Recent content by Japanime

  1. Japanime

    Fandom Naruto: Shogun of Shadows Act one: Embers among the fallen leaves.

    Riku Arashi Interactions: Kohaku (@KageYuuki) Mentions: Injured Sound nin (@Ganryu), Rikiko (@InsaneAsylum), and Kibo Riku barely noticed Kohaku’s puppet rolling past his feet, a silent soldier wedging itself between the grinding metal doors. It shuddered under the force, gears shrieking in...
  2. Japanime

    Fandom Naruto: The Will of Fire

    Kaito Hizukawa Interactions: Really anybody with their weapon drawn Mentions: Hinageshi (@CloudySkyLoftyMoon), Sota (@clorox), Sojin (@Luelle), Sheo (@ThAtGuY101), Captain Io, Lady Eria, Gyaru, and other guards (@EnviousWorm) The drumbeat did not so much ring out as it did press in, filling the...
  3. Japanime

    Fandom One Piece RP: Iron Dawn Interest Check

    For now, there's just one. But that's just because no one has made another crew. You could if that's something you'd be interested in.
  4. Japanime

    Fandom One Piece RP: Iron Dawn Interest Check

  5. Japanime

    Fandom Arc 1: Rustport

    @Traveler @Nellancholy Two guards seized the man beneath the arms, his legs dragging uselessly behind him as they hauled him toward a side gate. The line shuffled forward. No hesitation. No questions. If they moved, if they looked, they might be next. Then, something broke the rhythm. A...
  6. Japanime

    Fandom Naruto: The Will of Fire

    Kaito Hizukawa Mentions: Lady Eria (@Luelle) Interactions: Sheo (@ThAtGuY101) Kaito did not flinch at the mention of an attack. He did not reach for a weapon he did not carry, nor did he tense as Sheo’s drumbeats rang out in erratic bursts. Instead, he simply exhaled, quiet and controlled, his...
  7. Japanime

    Fandom Naruto: The Will of Fire OOC

    Sorry! Gonna work on a post now.
  8. Japanime

    Fandom One Piece RP: Iron Dawn Interest Check

    I apologize for some reason I did not get any of the notifications in this thread but Jigajig is correct. And thank you for answering on my behalf. Nope. I'd love to have ya
  9. Japanime

    Fandom Naruto: The Will of Fire OOC

    I should definitely have a post up within the next few days.
  10. Japanime

    Fandom Arc 1: Rustport

    @Jigajig @PlusUltra A commotion started up near the duo. A fisherman, his face gaunt with hunger, stood before an official clad in crisp, spotless blue. His hands trembled as he offered up his meager catch, the last of what he had. The official didn’t touch the fish. Didn’t even look at it...
  11. Japanime

    Fandom Naruto: The Will of Fire

    Kaito Hizukawa Mentions: Captain Io (@EnviousWorm), Sheo (@ThAtGuY101) Interactions: Lady Eria Kaito sat in the carriage, his posture rigid but not uncomfortable, his dark eyes watching everything with measured calculation. He was a shadow in the presence of Lady Eria, an unmovable guard, yet...
  12. Japanime

    Fandom Arc 1: Rustport

    Arc 1: Rustport @Sinny The Fool @PlusUltra @Traveler @BarnaB @s u n f l o w e r @snurge @Jigajig @Nellancholy The Paradox sliced through the open sea, its sails full of wind as the island of Rustport came into view. A place of trade, repair, and a little lawlessness. Neutral ground, as far as...
  13. Japanime

    Fandom One Piece RP: Iron Dawn OOC

    I've settled on the RP starting today so I will probably start working on a post.
  14. Japanime

    Fandom One Piece RP: Iron Dawn OOC

    @Sinny The Fool @PlusUltra @Traveler @snurge @Jigajig @Nellancholy @Nuclear Magician @Necromantic @Squad141 @Scoobie @BarnaB @Arc Okay, I believe I've tagged those with accepted characters and those who have at some point expressed interest. This post is just to let everybody know I plan for...