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  • I like to think of myself as inventive, creative - the kind of person who pulls new ideas from thin air. Then I go back, read, and realize it's all been told before. The true "good story" is not some new, fanciful unknown. It is the retelling of a masterpiece. Cliches - they're what's for dinner.
    Gaius Danius Griinia
    Gaius Danius Griinia
    *Looks up from his plate and makes pouty lips* Mmmmmmm dis food nuh gud
    I mostly agree. I would put it another way, however. What I say is that, originality is no longer in the broad strokes, but in the details. You can't do something that was never done before, but the WAY in which you do it may just actually be new. Because broad story ideas are what we have in common, so naturally they would end up repeated. Tropes and even clich'es they are an inevitable part of the creative process.
    But one's view, one's take on the individual issues and stories, how one circumvents the natural limitations of the various storytelling mediums and genres, what thoughts they bring to the table, and all else of one's own perspective, that is unique. It is by exploring what's already been done, in detail and with our own unique perspective, that we can breed originality.

    Such are my thoughts anyway
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