
Ello! I'm Lars, some stoopid kid on the internet. I'm a kitsune/human/ghost thing. I like anime, Music and animals. I do support trans rights, and LGBTQ+ people (i be the G and B in LGBTQ+).
I like to play video games too! I play a lot of Minecraft. I'm also a child of my parents BravestBun (she adopted me after my father dirt did so I have 2 families : P) and I'm taken by my boyfriend Eli. I died killing my imaginary friends... so I've been reincarnated as an 8-year-old child. ^wwww^
: P
*sleep noises*
Somewhere I don't wanna be


"Grabbing as many saplings as possible, we need blocks-" "Phil, I want a pony for Christmas." "I don't CARE about that, we're gonna die."

"MASSIVE PH1LZA IS PISSED AT THE KIDS" "Kids need disciplining" "MASSIVE PH1LZA'S GONNA GO BEAT 👏 SOME👏KIDS👏" "I'm crafting a belt"

"IrunIrunIrunmylegsaresotallandlankyandIcan'trunveryfastbutIrunIrunIrun" "Crafting Belt initiated" -Ph1lza (Ph1lzer, as the british say)