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  • K
    Hiya ^_^ I am a new member here and I saw your post about needing someone to help you with a Death note rp. I might be able to help you out with that ^_^ lol I normally just Roleplay as myself in kinda like a freeplay mode of Rp. XD I am 13 (( even though my profile says im 12 -.- )) and I love the video game Kingdom Hearts. :) I am very friendly and I have a facebook lol im also Home schooled

    rp: My rp character is a girl. She is 16. Shes about 5'5 tall and she weighs 120 pounds. Her name is Kairi ((also called Kitty)) and she is a Neko. She was told that she has a darkside to her before her Master's death. But everyone she talks to says that they see nothing but light in her. She can turn into the form of a small kitten and a human but in most rp's she starts out as a neko. ^_^ I hope we can be friends ^_^ :lick:
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