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  • [Literate] JJK SatoSugu RP

    Hello, I’m currently looking for a long term roleplay partner that is interested in rping JJK with me!! I have about 6+ years of experience of roleplaying. I’m literate, and give out detailed and long replies, since those are what I enjoy receiving. My time zone is EST. You don’t have to be the same time zone as well.

    My favorite ship in JJK is SatoSugu, so that’s currently what I’m looking for. I prefer to play Suguru since I’ve done him the most, and that’s what I’m most comfortable with.

    I’m 23, and prefer to rp with those that over 18 or older. But it’s highly appreciated if you have read the manga or at lease well versed in the JJK lore. I love talking OOC, and talking/joking about JJK or SatoSugu. I love sharing memes, and just goofing around outside of rp. Also I understand that life can get in the way, and that work is a requirement In order to live. I only ask that you be able to communicate to me if you’re going to be gone all day. I like to find someone that can be active though.

    If you’re interested. Please message me!
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