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  • CJ is working on our rp area, and is out of the continent, so I'm stuck with no-one to rp with. Haven't heard back from Nihilistic in a while.

    Sooooooo, I'm going to start working on an rp request myself, and see what comes of it.
    New here. Friend invited me. I've been RPing for close to 12 years, having started in High school Freshman year. I'm decent as an RPer, consider myself very open to subjects, and can play the role of everything from a child to an elder, Male or Female, and can even portray animals in a semi realistic way.

    If you are interested in RPing with me, then please just say so. I'm often busy with Youtube, but I try to keep a constant stream of posts going.

    If you have an RP with me, and you just can't keep your mind in it, or it just doesn't strike you as fun, then please tell me. I'll understand, I promise. xD
    Hello! Welcome to the Naysh!

    I want to welcome you here to the site! If you need anything, let me know!
    Welcome! This are a bit hectic right now but there are a lot of nice people with a wide range of interests so I'm sure that you will enjoy your time here!
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