Fukushima Akira

Where should I start? My first time roleplaying, I guess?

Roleplaying History

I first started Roleplaying in 2005 back on an old site called Bebo. Back then, the common rules of roleplaying hadn't been entirely established, so we did our own thing on there. You'd often find Groups of roleplayers that was operated like sort of factions. I was one of the founding members of a large group called "Vampira". As you can probably see from the name alone, we were a group of Vampiric OCs. The very first appearance I took for my character Akira was Train Heartnet;


Funnily enough, I still have Train as an appearance for my character Akira in FHS.

Back in those days, we were all part of something small, due to Bebo being a social networking site. We'd regularly sort up Mail Lists (Basically PMs that was shared throughout your friendslist) and we'd use those to Roleplay with one another. Within Vampira, each high-ranking member had a purpose. I was one out of the two RPers who was in charge of training people how to Combat-RP. This specifically meant that I specialised in combat-oriented RP scenarios. We had others who taught new members how to properly describe their surroundings and such. In 2007, Vampira went to war with another faction called "Blood Wolves Battalion". They were essentially the same deal as Vampira, with the twist that they were Humans who had received gifts of power from God. As you can probably tell, Vampires and Holy powers don't work well when faced off against one another. Quick note, the Roleplay community on Bebo had a shared basis on what each Roleplayer should do. Each RPer had to have their character(s) powers listed on their profile on the Wall. This was to prevent any situations where a character would power-play their character to have an ability that they otherwise didn't have prior to a fight. Such as suddenly being able to teleport when the enemy has you dead-to-rights. It was very basic, but it worked for us. Anyway, back to the "war" between Vampira and the Blood Wolves. The war lasted around a month, as both of our groups was large, and as such, had RPers who were on at all times due to the numerous timezones. Quick note, my buddy was the leader of BWB, and I was one of the founding leaders of Vampira, as I stated above. This in turn caused us to be very competitive when we were both attending school, as we'd regularly tease one another about winning and losing. This was all in friendly competition, but at the end it was a draw. This was because my character had an enchanted gun (I did have Train as my appearance, and he does indeed use a gun X}) and my buddy had a holy weapon which repelled all projectiles. Because his character was oriented to support, and my character's main weapon was a gun, we'd both called it a draw, as neither was gaining any ground on the other.

A few short years later, that is IRL time, we'd both graduated from school, and the RP community on Bebo began to wain, with Vampira, along with many other factions including Blood Wolves had become increasingly inactive. It was at this point we decided we'd have one last battle before going to college. This ended with my win (hehe), as I'd developed my character to begin working on hand-to-hand combat, whereas my buddy had developed his character to becoming greater at repelling projectiles. We'd regularly still roleplay with one another, but on August 7, 2013 Bebo officially shut down. My buddy and I still attended the same college, so it's not like that was our only source of communication. From that date, to Christmas of 2014, I had stopped Roleplaying entirely, in favour of my studies and job. My buddy and I still hang out everyday, and there's no real talk of Roleplaying, however I have tried to get him onto RPN, but it seems like he isn't interested, so that's why he isn't on here with me (In case you wondered xP). Anyway, It wasn't until I joined RPN six years ago that I began Roleplaying once again. I brought my character Akira with me, however I redid everything about him, such as his bio, race, powers and every appearance. I felt like a new start would be fitting.

Why'd I keep the name? Because it's my real name ( ◞・౪・)

About Me

Welp, this part is going to be about me personally, what my name is, where I live, my job etc, so I'll keep this short~

My real name is Akira Fukushima -Yeah, my display name and character name is my actual name, real creative, am I right?-. I was born and currently reside in Tokyo, Japan with my younger brother, Kenji Fukushima and my now-Wife, Marica. Living with my younger brother is pretty hilarious, as I've been told that we have a very unique brotherly relationship. Here's a picture of just one of the things he does;


Hilarious, right? This picture itself is pretty old, but you get the gist of what type of person he is xD

Living with Marica is a bit, well, different. I've lived with my younger brother all my life, so I know his regular routine around the house. Marica is different. We've been friends for as long as I can remember, and I remember a lot (I have an eidetic memory, is what I mean). We'd always be hanging around each other when we were children, as well as through highschool and college, so it's fair to assume she'd been to my house before. Living with her is different, though, as I've still to get accustomed to her daily routine, even if she's been living with me for quite a while. I'm getting the hang of it, now. While living with her is different, it's a good-kind of different. My house is rather large, so it makes everything seem less empty. As for my job, I am a fully qualified physicist with a PhD in Physics, that's all you really need to know if I'm being honest XDD

-Update- I've now gotten accustomed to Maricas daily routine, and I still manage to step on her hair clips xD

Welp, that's me done with my introduction. Sorry for the massive walls of text, I just thought I'd introduce myself properly. So as I said above; Hi :} I'm normally on everyday, and I'm primarily in my Roleplay, which you can find here; The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds. If you want, you can stop by and say hi. If you feel like talking to me, be sure to shoot me a PM. And with that said, I'm out :3
January 17
Tokyo-to, Japan.


To unite dreams beneath a banner of conquest. I praise your efforts. But, warriors... did you not understand? That all dreams must disappear when the dreamer wakes. Every last one of them. Therefore, it was inevitable that I would stand in your way. Know the end of your eternal dream. For I, myself, shall show you harsh reality.- Fukushima Akira.
