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  • OK, that's fine. But, I was thinking, if Xhysis didn't work out, then I'd try something else, because the way I built my chara, she's shy when it comes to those things, and she can read peoples actions. She would just run if she knew he didn't like her, and she'd be scared of Alex...so...yeah. But, that's fine. :) Can't wait to see those scenes. :)
    I saw your message to me and tried to reply to it, but I apparently cannot do that until I have at least five posts. So, I figured I would just put my reply here:
    That would have been a good idea if I hadn't already planned a whole love story between Xhysis and Alex. XD
    Sorry though. It really is a great idea. It would have been fun to play out, too. But I already have so many little scenes planned for Xhysis and Alex.
    Maybe Elle could meet Xhysis, they could become friends, and she would have a crush on him or whatever, but he doesn't feel the same way because he loves Alex. (Love triangle! Prepare for drama!) Just an idea.
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