Faith Rosepetal

Name: Faith Rosepetal

Age: Unknown

Looks: Well, my original form is a girl about 18 years old, black hair down to my waist that has red highlights, emerald-green eyes, and in this form I stand about 5'11. I wear a red v-neck T-shirt and navy blue shorts with black hiking boots, a red baseball cap covering my wolf ears. My black wolf tail is wrapped around my waist

Species: Shapeshifter

Likes: I love nature, animals, singing, dancing, writing and drawing.

Dislikes: Bullies, anything they're associated with, and Waterfall Poison. *shudders*

Backstory: I grew up on a farm with my mother and father. We had so much fun... While I was working on the farm tending to the animals, a tornado hit. I made it to the storm shelter we had but I was left an orphan. I was only a child then, so I went to an orphanage until I was adopted. Then I grew up and went from home to home, being pushed away because of what I am. But a man showed me kindness and that is Mike_Scofield. <3
August 1


