Recent content by Esitri

  1. Esitri

    Fandom Genshin OC/canon

    excuse me but what in the chat gpt is this response.
  2. Esitri

    Fandom Genshin OC/canon

    Neat, do you have any ideas for a scenario?
  3. Esitri

    Fandom Genshin Rp!

    Ya it's fine
  4. Esitri

    Fandom Genshin Rp!

    Alright, you wanna make a chat to discuss the details?
  5. Esitri

    Fandom Genshin Rp!

    heyy.... ya still looking?
  6. Esitri

    Fandom Genshin OC/canon

    Hi y'all As the title says, I'm looking to do a group rp themed around genshin, can be oc, canon (so long as its not too ooc), some AU, fine w/ anything Can be any region/setting
  7. Esitri

    Music What are you currently listening to?

    currently, this on a loop
  8. Esitri

    Bust? Or maybe, I'll take it all

    Bust? Or maybe, I'll take it all
  9. Esitri


    Hi, I'd be interested if possible I go by E, 16, EST timezone
  10. Esitri

    Fandom Looking for hyv/crk/lads/ themed rp?

    kk ^^
  11. Esitri

    Fandom Looking for hyv/crk/lads/ themed rp?

    cooli-o. how do we begin.?
  12. Esitri

    Fandom Looking for hyv/crk/lads/ themed rp?

    I'll be happy do do SM, not sure abt pre corruption tho (cuz idk a lot abt his character during that time and I love the insane jester schtick), maybe something during the in-game present time? like, pre Beast yeast ep 6?
  13. Esitri

    Fandom Looking for hyv/crk/lads/ themed rp?

    That sounds fun, do you have a setting in mind?
  14. Esitri

    Fandom Looking for hyv/crk/lads/ themed rp?

    Not really sure if I'm doing this right Looking for someone to rp with, can be in any of the fandoms mentioned above, fine with OCs and canon charas, so long as theyre not too ooc. Any setting/AU/crossover is fine. im new to this, english isn't my first language, and i'm an anxious human, but...
  15. Esitri does anything here work.. does anything here work..