
Hello! Pleased to meet you and please take care of me :ghostuvu:

I've been doing roleplays on and off for about 10 years and I'm trying to get back into the gist of things after a long sabbatical due to a creative drought and personal matters

My favorite kinds of roleplays (and the kind I've done most of) is fantasy roleplay though the time-period/settings isn't all that important to me, medieval, modern or futuristic. Sci-fi is also something I've dabbled in, though not my strongest suit, and something i definitely want to try out more!

Open to most kinds of roleplay, but prefer a freeform and not so restricted play. Not a huge fan of playing in already established IP's, and very much not playing as pre-existing (especially canon) characters. I'm all about them OC's! I like trying to come up with characters that fit into a narrative or world we can both agree on.

Not all that into Grimdark or E-RP, unless it fits organically into whatever we are doing. There is always an exception, so if you're going to do something at least do it tastefully

My one and only cardinal rule: What you do with your character, side characters and the world around is your business, but only I and I alone decide for mine.

Be kind, patient and sensible in your writing :) we are all here to have fun, so make writing fun and share your ideas and spotlight
Jan 5, 1996 (Age: 28)
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)