Recent content by Elysium

  1. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard RP (CLOSED)
    Index: 3 Days Later, In and near Altir

    Wolf eyed each of his companions as they walked into the room and found their seats, giving them all a tired smile. He was far too worn out to be stern, and his mood was too grim to be friendly. He did have to smile warmly, a rare occurrence, at the sight of some of his long absent comrades. The...
  2. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard RP (CLOSED)
    Index: Chapter One Begins

    Wolf entered through the door Cnut peacefully left just minutes earlier in time to watch the ogre crash down, as dead as the bandits Wolf met earlier. The only movement left in the warehouse were his team and bandits in their death throes. With an exhausted grunt, the man limped over to his...
  3. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard interest check (CLOSED)

    Yes. This is now closed to new sign ups.
  4. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard interest check (CLOSED)

    Yeah, go for it
  5. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard RP (CLOSED)

    Wolf’s lips lifted in a feral snarl as his punch failed to turn Cnut’s face into paste. But his warrior heart sang an angelic chorus as Cnut dropped to his knees. If Wolf was as crass as this man, he might’ve made a “while you’re down there, suck me off” joke. But Wolf wasn’t in a joking mood...
  6. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard interest check (CLOSED)

    Yes, Vagabond is yours
  7. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard interest check (CLOSED)

    Fresh link Join the The Guardians of Gerhard Discord Server!
  8. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard interest check (CLOSED)

    All you. Join the discord and dm me a character sheet on here.
  9. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard interest check (CLOSED)

    Whichever you prefer is fine by me. Join the discord and I should have a CS in this tread somewhere.
  10. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard RP (CLOSED)

    “Cnut.” Wolf replied calmly as he withdrew his blade from the random bandit and returned it to its home across his back. He was having a good day so far, so that unimportant fool could live to die next time. Or not. Wolf no longer gave a fuck about that quivering goon, now that something...
  11. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard RP (CLOSED)

    Wolf’s rampage came to an end, as no more souls could be seen eyeshot. He slung his sword upward, a dead bandit still flopping about on it, and rested it on his heavy shoulder. A raspy sigh escaped his lips from beneath his blank faceplate as his heartbeat and breathing returned to normal. This...
  12. Elysium

    Fantasy The Guardians of Gerhard RP (CLOSED)

    It has been four days since the king of Gerhard was assassinated, and the Guardians were making quick work of the miles of road behind them. Tired from their work against a particularly nasty group of goblin marauders in the plains in the northern reaches of the Eastvale province, but due to...
  13. Elysium

    Fantasy Guardians of Gerhard Lore Thread
    Index: Timeline of Gerhardic History

    Gerhardic Timeline (To make this easy, and since I won't build a calendar system, everything is listed in terms of years ago (y/a), from the start of the RP. 1800 y/a - The country of Gerhard is founded by a tribe of nomads settling down in what would eventually become Altir, and center their...
  14. Elysium

    Fantasy Guardians of Gerhard Lore Thread
    Index: Factions of Gerhard

    Gerhard Factions Guardians - Mercenaries hired by the royal family to deal with things that would take the formal military and bureaucracy too long to deal with. The Guardians are well known and respected around the land, even among the less civilized parts of the country. Archmagia - The...