E v a n e s c e n t May 26, 2017 My favorite childhood memory is.. probably not having to cook for myself.
E v a n e s c e n t May 26, 2017 "I wonder if clouds ever look down on us and say, 'Hey.. that one is shaped like an idiot'."
E v a n e s c e n t May 24, 2017 When you accidentally select a portion of the bbcode you worked on so hard and accidentally press backspace... I am so triggered right now.
When you accidentally select a portion of the bbcode you worked on so hard and accidentally press backspace... I am so triggered right now.
E v a n e s c e n t May 22, 2017 I remember when I was just four years old. I cried my eyes out because I couldn't solve 4 + 2...
E v a n e s c e n t May 22, 2017 Someone told me once... "The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat Cake."