By the end of 2017, I will:
❇ have written at least 21 new chapters for As We Knew It.
❇ have written a text-based game for Choice of Games.
❇ be exercising (30+ minutes) at least 5 days a week.
❇ have achieved a 4.0 GPA in Spring semester.
❇ have created a syllabus and curriculum for an independent studies course on interactive fiction.
Ideally I'll also be more sociable, finally finish reading Worm, and read a new book every month.
...I have nearly 200 notifications and I am not gonna try to weed through them all. >_> If I missed something cool in the Creativity forum, tag me! If you tagged me somewhere, please PM me about it! If you're waiting on a post from me, let me know. Sorry school and life and shenanigans drove me offline for a while.
Hey. Is there any way to still retrieve thief's from the old version of rpn? I have two large, big work cses that Google leads to the old site address and an inability to get them. Desperate the Google excerpt showing the first few lines.