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  • I want you today, and tomorrow, and forever.
    The Lady Kitsunerisu
    The Lady Kitsunerisu
    Sorry lady, but you are bit too young for me. But thank you for telling me this, I will be sure to get a restraining order on you, soon...

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. xD

    Hi! Thank you for the follow.
    Bahah! Yes that was just lovely! xD
    Oh and no problem really c:
    Hello! ^^
    M a i
    M a i
    Wow, I bet you must have skills to play something heavy in the heat.
    Mehhh, I want cheesecake for breakfast :L
    Bahah! Nah I've got a neck strap, it doesn't help much, and it makes my neck sweaty, but it's better then using nothing.
    And cheesecake is beautiful, eat it for breakfast.
    M a i
    M a i
    Wow this comment is late ;_;
    That neck strap doesn't sound like it's helping very much o:
    *sniffles* I fell asleep and missed breakfast that day. My dreams have been crushed D:
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