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  • 👋😃 Howdy!
    Thanks a bunch for the follow, and also welcome to this site 🤗

    What fandoms are you currently into, if I might ask that?
    Hey! Sorry for the late reply, my power literally got shut off for like-- three days.

    Thanks for the warm welcome :D

    Current fandoms I'm into.... hmmm. Okay so definitely:
    • Percy Jackson (just finished reading Heroes of Olympus - I'm in college and my roommate was personally affronted that I hadn't read it before - overall 10/10)
    • Marvel / MCU - mainly the movies since I haven't had time to read much of the comics.
    • DC - mainly going off of lore my friend has told me in their hyperfixation rants (near and dear to my heart)
    • Harry Potter - purely for the magic systems
    • Hunger Games
    • Pacific Rim
    There's a lot, honestly I like to incorporate the magic/fantasy aspects of fandoms into my roleplays - usually all OCs.
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