
I'm Davy, I'm 30 something, and the RP on the Muse magazine blog was my first experience with being allowed to talk with strangers on the internet. (It was a good one.)

For the past 4 or 5 years, I've RP'd with a small group on the forum my spouse admins. Some people in that group were RPing together 10 years before that, and came back when we reopened the forum for what we thought might just be the two of us. The setting was Battletech/MechWarrior for most of my time in the group, and we recently started a Cyberpunk 2077 RP that's become the new main. I'll make an ad to invite new players at some point in the future - I'm waiting for a point in the story where it'll be easy to introduce new characters.

I don't have much time for additional RPs lately, but I do want to see what others are doing in their stories, how you all share setting info, etc, and get some inspiration. Also this seems like a cool place to hang out.

I have a few hobbies that are all kind of sporadic because of work. Right now it's colored pencil drawing, sewing plush toys, writing a fanfic and letting a couple back burner stories "cook" until I have enough setting ideas to make something from them.

I have three pet rats, including an elderly boy named Casper who is a genius and a human whisperer. He's mostly lost the use of his back legs (a common problem in old rats) and used his communication skills to compensate. He exercises with a wheelchair, and even tells me when he wants me to help clean his ears (which he used to do with his toenails). He lives with two young friends, Julian and Garak.