Darlin Devil

The version of Bendy is mainly my head cannon of him and how things were for him. Don't like it, sorry. I'm not here to impress anyone.

Genres: Horror, Mature, Open, Crossover (Depends on the Crossing), Fantasy. I am comfortable with +18.

RP Length: Semi, Paragraph, Multi Para, Novella. One liners are rare if the RP starts to slow down. I'm looking for a long term partner(s).

Bendy is very friendly little ink demon who loves his tutu and loves to dance. He eagerly waits for his friends to come back to the studio. But all the waiting and the empty feeling in his chest made something grow inside of him. A darkness he wants to keep from swallowing him up whole. The though of his friends returning gives him hope and keeps that fiend at bay. He remains to have a positive attitude despite constantly being lied to by Joey Drew. He wears his tutu despite being trapped alone in the Animation Studio. He's always dancing to occupy his time wile he waits for Joey and his crew to return. Alice and Boris have also gone missing, leaving Bendy all alone in the studio. He's a charming little devil, with very little knowledge of the outside world since he had been trapped in the studio.
Animation Studio
Being a Star

