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  • TokumeiNoJorogumo
    Sorry. i forgot. xD  and yes. that would be helpful as u may be able to converge your idea with mine.

    So Nivaaneth is a Goddess of Life and Light who comes in the form of a Seraphim. In the old legends, it is said that she and her darker sister (who's name is unknown) chose champions to fight against Aurelius and they succeeded.

    The Luma Clan worships Nivaaneth and no other gods. They believe Nivaaneth to be the protector of the mortal plane. The Clan is lead by Pontiff who is usually elected through a council. The Clan itself is very militant and has outposts all across the kingdom of Carina. They serve as the first and last line of defense against monsters and demons. The Luma Clan have been responsible for launching witch hunts and purging the land of demons. Without the presence of the Golden Lord they have turned towards fighting the dark forces, despite Nivaaneth having a dark god as a sister. The order does believe in helping and protecting the weak, but have no quarrels with killing off an entire town if the demonic influence is strong.

    The highest ranks a normal Acolyte can achieve is either a Paladin, who are the most prestigious warriors in the Clan, or Consulates who are the governing body of the Clan beneath the Pontiff whom they elect.
    pming you.
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