
Hello, all. My name is Ash (Masculine They/Them 23). I am a very descriptive, literate roleplayer. I've been away from the game for a while; pretty much since Omegle had shut down (R.I.P.), as that was pretty much exclusively where I found my partners. In other words, this is my first time ever trying a forum like this. I am currently in search for a long-term partner who would be interested in a 1x1 role-playing with an original plot and characters. Personally, I like to use the first-person point-of-view, but I know that ain't everyone's cup of tea. I'd like to consider myself a very easy to work with partner, open minded to anything. I also am a very attentive partner, always trying to make my responses as snappy and efficient as I can. As an attempt of trying to be as attentive as possible, I try to only involve myself in one roleplay at a time, so that you know that my interest and attention is directed toward our roleplay. Anyway, I prefer to roleplay the horror/paranormal/supernatural genre, the only fandom I've ever roleplayed having been Creepypasta. Though, most of my roleplays turn out as slice-of-life style with horror elements to it, which I still really enjoy. I'm not afraid of involving romance either, if my partner was interested of course. If there's anybody out there looking for anything similar, please feel free to hit me up. I'd love to brainstorm together!
Jul 13, 2000 (Age: 23)
Right behind you.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Self-Employed Multi-Media Journalist

