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  • Welcome to RPN~ What's it like being a freelance writer?
    That sounds really awesome- how do you get into something like that?
    It started with a job offer on LinkedIn; being disabled, I was struggling to find work, so I started looking for work-from-home opportunities. My first job was to write a small article, and if the people above me liked it, it would be approved and posted to their website for public viewing. My first article actually got declined and left me pretty bummed.

    That's around the same time I got back into RPing after taking a hiatus to prioritize my personal life. After some time on several social media sites, practicing my writing and re-learning old methods, I went job hunting again. I got declined for several reasons for several different jobs, but eventually something comes along that works out for you. That's why you should never give up on being able to do what makes you happiest for a living.

    I'd love to eventually write for big-name blogging websites, or to maybe even have the opportunity to start up my own blog! But for now, I take the jobs that find the good in my work, and roleplay to continue practicing and improving upon the writing skills I already have.

    Hope that answers your question!

    Very cool- inspirational~
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