Lily follow closely behind him, taking small stops when needed to rest or eat. Knowing lucas was keeping up his guard incase of danger which is good because there are bigger predators than them.
Once they arrive at the place to camp, she trotted over to a flat spot on the ground using her ice...
Lily smile softly trying to bring up the mood “im sorry to hear that, but gaining two new pack members is always something to celebrate and feel that the goddess is working in ways to help the packs by helping them grow and prosper”
Nod softly hearing his proposal “we will aid you as well thank...
Lily walked into the meeting room and took a seat on right side near the table as lucas joins beside her.
Waiting patiently for arthur to come back from getting food and drink for them. Glances over at lucas and squeeze his hand gently noticing he was on edge “i understand you worry about my...
@Wyll heres the character sheet thread,
If you have any questions let me know in the ooc thread or here.
All the alpha positions are full at the moment unless you start up a pack.
As for who is currently active: Wolfy_Mandalorian , teluhtubby and me.
I checked back in this thread and realized what you meant. @Gears
was thinking that coulson told bruce during lunch at the teacher lounge. But if you prefer coulson could talk to eddie (either way works for me)
But i wanted to clarify on who it was^
Since oliver has been gone on a mission...
I think we meant clint barton as the secretary and coulson as security.
As for the one we meant for the psychiatrist i thought we were going to put someone random since its a substitue as oliver queen has been on a (mission or could be business at his company?)
So that person would be the one...
Also @Gears i was looking over your latest response in rp and noticed oliver name was put in instead of the other psychiatrist
I was wondering if there was a reason why or if it was a mistype?
Lily watched eddie leave quickly feeling slightly confused “see you later”
Wondering silently if he liked her while heading to next class. Thinking mentally to herself and her symbiote galaxia
Bruce wayne was returning to his office after finishing lunch in teacher lounge, he just entered the...