

I’m 19 and use GMT-5/EST.
I write in third person, past tense.
My post length varies from a few paragraphs (3-4+ paragraphs on average) to full novella if I’m really inspired.
On that note, you’ll get no one-liners from me, I promise.
I do like writing multiple characters. Doubling friendly!
I’m pretty flexible to FCs. My personal preference is anime/art, but I don’t mind realistic faces either.
I’m always, always down for OOC, but I tend to reply at random or when I have some time.
My availability is mostly the weekday evenings as weekends are usually reserved for work/tutoring, chores, and family time.
Outside RP, I’m going to school to become an ECE (early childhood educator), a big animal lover (mama to four fur babies), and an avid enjoyer of cartoons and anime!


