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  • Pro-Slavery Americans: A president?
    Abraham Lincoln: *Puts on hat*
    Pro-Slavery Americans: Abraham Lincoln the President!?
    Here's an idea to ruin your day: An anime adaption of Resident Evil with an English dub done by 4Kids.
    Apparently autocorrect is very particular about how many As and Ts are in "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaattt!"
    Well I'll be honest I don't really understand
    But I fell down this hill and I got glue on my hands
    Now I got records on my fingers
    I want to do a sort of Fullmetal Alchemist-esque roleplay but not, like, a Fullmetal Alchemist roleplay. Just a roleplay with a similar tone and powers and stuff to Fullmetal Alchemist.
    Hey ain't complaining. Got a whole list called "rip-offs" in my interest check XD
    The reason it's a ripoff is because I don't feel comfortable actually roleplaying in the FMA world. This is one of the rare instances where not only do I not feel like I can do the characters justice (just like I normally do) but I feel like I can't do the world justice.
    More Chimera
    Youtube livechat: Slow mode is on.
    Also youtube livechat: *Way to fast to read*
    You thought Joker crashing the Smash servers was impressive, Steve crashed Twitter!
    The return!

    • SilverCrown's Law of Ideas: No matter how depraved, confusing, nonsensical, or conspiratorial an idea is, there is at least one person on the Internet who is willing to defend it.
    Whenever I watch a stream on Youtube and switch to another tab and leave I try to pause the stream but then I realize it's a stream and I can't do it.
    When you think about it, Spanish is actually a lot more compatible with British English than it is with American English. As in, a Brit would have an easier time learning Spanish than an American.

    For example: In Spanish Colegio does not mean College but actually the equivalent to High School. However, it actually does mean college because British college actually is basically high school. Similarly, the word for college, Universidad, also works better in British English where all colleges are called universities.
    I want an anime that has a person with a harem (or reverse harem) in it but is actually about the one person who's not in his harem but is still their friend and has to deal with the fact that everyone is an idiot and that they're the only person who understands what's going on.
    Is there anything more enjoyable than teasing two friends about their obvious unrequited love for eachother?
    Being the one responsible for rectifying that unrequitedness

    That funny moment when you're joking about how two of your friends are perfect for eachother and then they actually get together.
    I've figured out the secret of Covid-19: It was genetically engineered by the CIA to force people to use video services to communicate with eachother and take the sticky notes off their webcam.

    I bet the rise of Zoom is also part of it.

    Proposition: the Olympics will now be done via Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games.
    There's nothing wrong with a happy ending.
    Have we devolved to the point where this needs to be stated now? Seriously? C'mon, guys...
    Depends on what massage parlor you go to.

    Unfortunately, yes.
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