
An INFJ/Counsellor (MBTI/KTS) on a writing website! How shocking!

I've spent more than a decade doing many types of writing, including academic and content writing, but creative writing is by far my most preferred. I was a moderator on YWS for six years or so, but I've been retired for a while now. I suppose I'm here to broaden my horizons a bit.

Apparently, I can be somewhat intimidating if you don't know me well, but I promise I don't easily bite. (If you were expecting the cliché, I guess I got you!) I do seek intellectual stimulation, though, so if you lack any developed social or writing skills, it's probably best if we give each other a skip.

I'm passionate about fantasy fiction and will absolutely apply science to world-building. If you show yourself to be decent, I'll always respond, so do shoot me a DM/PM if you feel like saying hi! Just… you know, don't say only the word "hi".

Oh, one last thing! Prejudice confuses me. I'm open to basically any views and am queer and probably neurodivergent myself, so don't expect me to tolerate discrimination. The world needs more empathy!

That is all. For now. Heh.

Fandoms: Pokémon, RWBY, Kingdoms of Amalur, D&D, and recently YGO.
Jul 15, 1997 (Age: 27)
A Hidden Corner of the Universe
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Biochemist and Writer


