

i can go by several names, and while i was a feralfront/xanje/wcrpg user once-upon-a-time, iiiii don't really remember my plethora of names over the years on those sites. ^ ^' i didn't really get up to much tho, so i guess it doesn't really matter anymore. you can call me art(ie), or ali! :> nice to meet'cha.

i'm 24 y/o, fresh out of university and just now starting to figure out life. getting back into old hobbies and interests has become a bit of a comfort for me as i face a lot of transition and change irl. hence, popping up here! i had no idea up until recently that feralfront died (during the pandemic, i think?), and that was a huge shock for me. i'd been on wcrpg since i was ten. ugh. i'm still shaking that revalation off, tbh. i only really got to ever keep in touch with one (1) person after all these years... i hope to meet more and forge new relationships here!

i'm only really seeking 1x1 roleplays for the most part, though i could roleplay in small groups of 3 or 4 i'd imagine. semi-lit to advanced, i'd guess. my posts usually hover around 3-4 paragraphs on average, and can shoot up depending on what's needed (setting the scene, worldbuilding, or if i just so happen to really ramble and, well. not get to the point fast enough lol).

i'm pretty open to most relationships! though as a queer person, i typically do play queer characters - and even if they're het/in a het relationship, i do see that character through a queer lens, naturally... idk what that really means? i just figure it's different, and worth noting perhaps. tldr: can do most/all, but tend to gravitate toward queer relationships as a default.

also also - if/when we start a roleplay, pleaaaaase be a little patient w/ me... i haven't gotten to sit down, crack my knuckles, and write with another human being for years. not consistently, and certainly not with new people. i might be a little awks and a little rusty! but i'm sure i'll get right back into the swing of things once i get over my nerves and settle back into my cozy little hole that is creative writing. uvu

my dms are always open! i'll be lurking. cheers! ♥
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