
Name: nunya beeswax, although I use the pseudonym Fidelis normally.
Roleplay Preferences: I don't have much experience with the 3+ person forum setup, I've only done 1x1 until now. Not opposed to it though. My style is adaptable for my peers, although I generally prefer proper English to "OwO what's this *nuzzles*". (To be fair I use emoticons heavily in PMs, but *actions* are a bit low-effort for my liking.) If I'm really into the story, I can go a few paragraphs, since I tend to wax poetic on my descriptions of appearances and surroundings. Sensory details, all that jazz.
I balance this out by being incredibly busy, taking several difficult classes for my first year of college. I will make an effort to check at least once a day, and some days I will be on for a few hours at a time. Really, I'm just unpredictable. But, I won't just abandon. If I have a problem, whether its on my side or yours, I'll let you know. Communication is important.
As far as fandoms are concerned, I'm conflicted. As an aspiring author, I believe strongly in intellectual property. I don't really like most fanfiction, I believe that a writer should come up with their own characters rather than use a more well-known one. Therefore, I don't like playing actual canon characters, although if you can play your existing character true to the sauce, I don't mind. That being said, I geek out enormously about many things and I am all for having roleplays set in existing universes (For example, I have five or six JoJo OC's).
As a storyteller, I am extremely character-driven, and I have a wealth of characters for a variety of genres. I'm generally open-minded about plot and themes, but character development and plot come before combat and risque stuff. That being said, my preferred genres are fantasy, sci-fi, and subtle, well-executed horror. Drama stresses me out, but there are stories in the realm of our mundane reality I'd be willing to explore. Really, I'm just looking to tell a cool story. If you've made it this far through this awful wall of text and you have a story you'd like to tell, you'd like to add me to an existing group, start a new group, or just PM with a s a d b o y, let me know. I'm open to M x M, M x F, or whatever else. I don't care, really.
Interests: I'm adding these more so you can see where my influences come from. If you want to do an RP in one of these, I guess that's fine. Just please make your own character.
Video Games:
Nintendo everything
(Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Metroid)
Monster Hunter
Overwatch (Not so much anymore, although I like the world-building and characters)
Minecraft (guilty pleasure, pls no bully :c)
Lotsa Indies (Undertale, Cuphead, Ori and the Blind Forest, Shovel Knight, Darkest Dungeon)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
X Men
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Mission Impossible
The Princess Bride
Pixar (but really, who doesn't)
Cult Classics (Napoleon Dynamite, Monty Python, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure)
Star Wars; The Clone Wars
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Pop Team Epic
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Black Mirror
The Twilight Zone
Ray Bradbury Theater
Alfred Hitchcock Theater
(It's been a few years for the following animes, I don't watch much anime anymore)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Elfen Lied
Soul Eater
Fairy Tail
Dragon Ball Z
Future Diary
Books & other reading material
Middle Earth Universe
Escape from Furnace
Kurt Vonnegut
Jojo mango
The Chronicles of Prydain (The Black Cauldron)
Various classics (Lord of the Flies, Heart of Darkness, The Sun Also Rises, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Frankenstien, etc)
History books
The Order of the Stick
Rice Boy
The Adventures of Dr. Mcninja
D&D rulebooks
Writing (Duh)
WorldBuilding (Paracosm if you're pretentious)
Roleplay (DUH)
looking at surreal memes on the internet
(it's far enough down, probably safe to say this) I'm pansexual but you'd never know it.

Hope this helps you get an idea of what I'm all about! If anything here piqued your interest, let me know on PMs, or email me at Google Docs, hangouts, and email are all through that.
Thanks for reading all that! ^u^
Jul 20, 2000 (Age: 24)
Chicago Time Zone?

