
Name: Annia Dalie
Age: Unsure
Gender: Female
Orientation: Hetero {Males/Masuline}
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 115 lbs
Race: Cryptid
Genetic Disorder: Albinism
Sexuality: Demi
Personality: Animalistic, untrusting, runs on instincts.

The cryptid hunts other creatures, non-humans. Human meat, blood, makes her ill. She tends to hunt for stronger creatures to eat. Anniah is a cryptid that takes the form of a humanoid in order to fit in. She has a more animalistic personality, due to being a cryptid, and is feral and impulsive. While not enjoying being hurt, she can withstand a great deal of pain. Her blood is thick, like cold molasses, and dark crimson in color. It wriggles about like maggots as it works on healing her wounds but becomes still when disconnected from her. Anniah is able to heal wounds based on how much blood is in her body, needing to eat and drink blood to heal much larger wounds-or severed limbs. All food is digested in her stomach and absorbed into her body to create more blood. All parts of a being are edible. Her blood helps to fight off poisons, disease, and toxins-it'd need to be a large amount to affect her longer, but all these do cause issues until they are healed. Eating is a big deal for her, and she will grow weak and more feral if she misses even one day of eating. Her natural language is one of tongue clicks.

Her natural cryptid form: body is four feet in length and shaped like a ferrets, dark salmon colored rodent like tail at two feet, stands four feet tall on all fours, fur is white and thins up towards her face, the fur stops at her backwards bending knees and leads to legs with skin like a birds and matches the tail color, hands/feet and talons the shape of a hawks. In either form, she does not tend to talk much at first.

Hematopoiesis Regeneration
The power to regenerate using blood.
She can regenerate herself using blood as a medium, with the amount of used blood defining the speed of healing.
Toxins, poisons, and drugs wear off faster. Time under the affects is based off amount given and frequency.
She requires intake of an external source of meat/blood to regenerate. In dire situations she can eat parts of her body to heal more serious wounds. The amount of blood intake limits to amount regenerated.
Total burning or mass blood loss may prevent regeneration.

Magic Immunity
She can completely bypass/ignore any form of magic, spell or enchantment that protects any object, person or whatever. They can harm or destroy anyone and anything that is protected by magic while not being affected by its defenses. Magic does not affect her in anyway, good or bad. Mind control, hypnosis, forced feelings, and such do not affect her. Imbued weapons with magic, spells, or enchantments do not affect her-only the actual weapon itself.
This is not to say magic cannot be used to harm her. IE; elemental attacks, hit by objects manipulated by magic.

Sight range is 200 degrees, like a feline, with night vision so long as there is some sort of light source being very dim to bright.
Bright flashes, strobes, that are directed at her eyes causes her to see all white for around three minutes.

Nose: When focusing; can smell if those around her are human or not, pregnant, lingering death, wounds, decay, odors.
A strong floral or citrus scent makes her nose irritated and stinging.

Ears: Enhanced far beyond the human limit. Users also have the ability to hear different sounds at different frequencies. When focusing; heartbeat detection without being close, Infra-sounds that are below normal hearing range, focus hearing to a certain area and filter out everything but the wanted sound.
Loud sounds create sensory overload. IE; screaming in her ears, near loud explosions, sharp loud pitches near her ears. Makes her cringe and grab at her ears to muffle the sounds.

Taste: She only finds those of a biological matter, not human, tasty. Be it living, decaying, rotten.
Pure humans taste disgusting, but she will eat them if she has to. Eating human foods will cause her to be sick and/or vomit and bring her powers and strengths to that of a human’s.

Touch: She is able to withstand a great deal of pain, sometimes having to eat her own body parts or sever them in order to escape situations.
She does not like pain, prefers not to feel it, and has to work really hard not focusing on it to keep herself from losing her mind. Being in an adrenaline state, which happens when in a panic, helps with the pain. Touch starved, nervous when being touched in any manner, and prefers not being touched at all.

Mouth and Teeth
Cryptid Form:
A jagged thick mess able to rip and shred through her victims bodies and bones, up to dragon hide. Mouth is lipless and jaw is able to open nearly 130 degrees.
Human Form: Looks relatively normal, upper and lower canines that have an inner tube to such blood through. A retractable row of sharp pointed teeth can be extended out over the others, can shred up to elephant hide but the tips barely reach past the other teeth. She can easily rip the skin from the corners of her mouth to the sides of her head to extend her jaws to bite into larger prey. When fully open is nearly 120 degrees.

Cryptid Form:
Claws are shaped like a hawk’s and as strong are her teeth.
Human Form: Normal looking rounded finger nails on hands and feet, beneath are retractable claws with the tips slight curved. All are roughly half an inch when extended, strength matching her teeth.

Body Durability
Cryptid Form:
Bones are thick, matching strength of her teeth.
Human Form: Bones are thinner an much easier to break, too hard for a simple human to break without immense amounts of pressure or force.
Both forms are flexible, double jointed and can pop joints out of place when needed.

Cryptid Form:
Max weight she can lift is 800lbs, struggling begins at around 690lbs.
Human Form: Max weight she can lift is 550lbs, struggling begins at around 450lbs.

Both forms have a thick rat like, dark salmon colored, tail that is able to be used like a whip. It can wrap around objects, hold her weight, but is unable to fully function like a second limb.

Sexual Organs
Both forms have Vagina Dentata. The vagina contains teeth, with the associated implication that sexual intercourse might result in injury, emasculation, or castration for the one involved. The molar shaped teeth within are hidden beneath thick soft skin and can go unnoticed until muscle are tensed. Tensing of her inner walls push them forward to grip anything that enters before sharp points of the teeth slide out from in the center of each tooth. Anything biological left within will be absorbed into her body, digested down by highly acidic fluid as if in her stomach.

Blood Dependent
Both forms are always craving food, hungering to eat and drink from any living being that is not purely human. This includes animals.

Specific Weaknesses and Death
It’s one of the hardest injuries to heal and constant burning destroys her blood-meaning it is unable to repair or regenerate anything.
Decapitation: Complete removal of her head, even if returned to the neck, immediately ends her life.
Heart: Complete removal of her heart, even if returned to the chest, immediately ends her life.
Humans: There entire being, if consumed, weakens all aspects of her body to that of her being like a human until her blood can clean it out of her system.

She does not have to change in order to kill and eat, staying in the humanoid form more often. In humanoid form, she is flexible, able to pop joints out, and sports hollow tube like upper and lower fangs. ', ,' She has retractable claws on her fingers and toes that are shaped like a feline-not as curved. Retractable sharp teeth hide beneath her gums and can be push out in front of the normal ones. In order to bite large chunks, Anniah is able to rip the skin at the corner of her lips back to wear a human's ear sit. Her ears rest near the top of her head, thin and pointed in short white fur. Behind her is a tail, dark salmon in color with the skin of rodent, which is turned upward at the end to avoid dragging the ground-only a couple inches too long to hang without touching the ground. Her eyes are large, like that of a rodent, red with a dark crimson pupil that can constrict to slits and dilate when needed.
Apr 11, 1990 (Age: 34)
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