
Hello all! I have been writing/threading/roleplaying for 20 years. I can write anything and enjoy all dynamics of roleplay as long as it is interesting and makes sense. I do not squirm away for sexual content, however, a good plot would need to be behind it and something built from it. Don't think it can happen? Message me and I guarantee you we can make it happen!

In regards to settings, I tend to lean towards modern and period settings; Medieval, Victorian, Wild West and things like that. As far as characters go, I play female only (I don't mind playing a male, but for now, would prefer playing a female only). My characters are generally human, I have played some supernatural, however, I would like a more freestyle approach to it online just because I have done system so long that I want to branch out and just not have to work about system guidelines, rules, etc.

My replies tend to be a bit long... I can (will) write paragraphs and tend to challenge myself when there is a word counter involved (I am a weirdo like that). The thing to know about is that I like detail and tend to expect the same out of my partner. I am not requiring a novel, however, I do not like and will not respond to any one-liners, something that makes 0 sense, or has next to no detail. Here is the update: I need posts that have details, I like having things to work with and like putting out good quality posts, I expect the same.

My writing schedule right now, can be daily, however, that may change as I have a life outside of writing (as we all do), however, I will maintain contact and let the other party know if something comes up or happens.

I do not ghost, if I am not feeling it, I will let you know and I expect the same - Respect is respect no matter how you look at it. I also have Discord - If we exchange information and start threading, if something comes up - I will generally message you and let you know.

When it comes to gore and violence, I can work with it, but it is not something I want a roleplay based on, which brings me to character death. If it a npc and it makes sense then of course... Casualty for the sake of the game, but when it comes to main characters, let's talk about it because a). I have put some work into my characters in coming up with them and you have done the same, b). Are we ending the roleplay, and c). Does it make sense to do it?

Fandoms, I have done them, but it is not something I generally go for simply because I like creating my own stuff.

Settings and pairings, I generally can come up with something on the fly or through conversation with my partner - I do like their input and expect them to allow me some input. If you come to me talking about how my character needs to be done and not compromising, we probably are not going to be a good fit and I will let you know that. Please understand, this is not make or break for me. I enjoy writing, it is a hobby, nothing more and nothing less. Right now, I have the time and want to get back into it so I am, I do not need or want anyone telling me what to play and how to play it.

I generally try to be pretty open-minded and easy flowing. The one thing I do ask is when it comes to character pics, please NO anime or cartoon art. I have my reasons and I just... No... If you ever need help finding face claims, let me know, I do not mind helping.

If you made it this far - Message me and let's see what we come up with! :)
November 30
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

