Vox Angelis

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  • Hey just letting you know that if no one replies within 48 hours that the dnd rp i started will be discontinued
    Vox Angelis
    Vox Angelis
    Heyo, sorry, I've been swarmed with work lately (14+ hours shift the past 2 weeks), and it doesn't look like it'll quiet down for the upcoming month. Unfortunately I'll have to pass on the opportunity but I wish you luck !
    Ok just thought i'd let you know
    hey hows your dnd character coming along ?
    Vox Angelis
    Vox Angelis
    I'm sorry ! I've been putting a lot of work on my new RP and didn't have time to work on the character yet.

    I have the whole character idea planned out, but I'll need to put it down on a character sheet.
    That's ok take your time i understand i've been busy before i even sometimes give myself too much work when it comes to my stories i write lol
    Hey just letting you know i changed my username if you don't end up noticing my username was crimsonrubydragon35 lol sorry if changing my username confuses you
    I'm back from the exposition! Social and energy batteries are at an all-time low, but I'll manage. Onward to another big week of work, so I might be a bit slow on the replies !
    Apologies if replies are slow this week. Currently preparing an exposition for work. Won't be much available this weekend. Thank you for understanding !
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