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  • psssst *passes your shark one of Ryan's sweaters* Lime we got a upcoming reboot
    No problem. 😊.
    Crimson Rose
    Crimson Rose
    can you ask her if she wants her shark role reserved in advance? Tell her we also got new female roles if she want a different one too i can pm her here the list and you can tell me what she wants? or give her my discord so i can send her it privately ^^
    I sent your Discord to her. 😊.
    i came across one of your bnha threads from a while back. I was wondering if youre still interested in a roleplay like that?
    I'm so sorry to those inconvenienced by my absence. I was pulled away due to a plethora of issues. I will be slowly getting back into the swing of things.

    Love you all <3
    Thanks for the follow?
    Lol no problem, I felt it was only right after looking through you threads, I feel like a stalker tho, sorry if icome off as weird and for the late response xD
    I saw the word creepypasta and was intruiged
    For whom it may concern, I will not be online until this coming Thursday since I will be at my dads. My apologies for the inconvenience to you all, have a great day.
    Boredom, overactive imagination, and caffine meet anxiety wooooo~ this will be fun~
    Funnn~ Oh jesus... welp there are some things that Can't be forgotten...The fact that I saw my trench coat and heh my mind decided to convince me I was being watched. Now I subconsciously look over my shoulder constantly if it isn't against a wall
    Try taking a nap with the closet door open in a dim room...just staring into that dark void waiting for....WHATEVER to come out and haul you away. lol
    to those it may concern, I am not going to be on at all this weekend, I go to my dads every other weekend and I don't bring my electronics most of the time due to my step brothers having a tendancy to steal and mess with my things
    ~*~Amazing preggo award!~*~

    this award goes to the greatest pregnant woman I know! I hope you and your child have a wonderful life filled with adventure and fun, but don't forget about me while you are!

    congratulations! keep on being a great mother! I hope you are looking forward to parenthood!

    ~ A Finnish Boot ~
    ha good one! -for those who are veiwing this, im not actually pregnant irl, it's a sort of inside joke relating to an rp-

    or maybe I am.... who knows! lol
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