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  • for your superhero rp, do i just post my character sheet in the tab with everyone else, or do i send it to you?
    Yes in the character section and wait for approval
    Teach me how to stay in one RP. What is your mindset?
    Make your own an get invested,
    Or just find one where you play five characters and a monster
    For me it's easy to stay in an rp when I enjoy the like story and the characters, makes me always wonder what will happen next. Also I find that it's easier to stay in an rp when you do it with friends
    Jesus christ mate, I took like a two year break from RPN and I can't believe your Superheros and Villains RP is still GOING. It's insane!

    Keep up the good work I guess, it's just unreal to think such an RP has lasted so long :D
    The Wordsmith Myth
    The Wordsmith Myth
    Wanna know something more crazy. It's running on almost seven years. We moved this from another site that died
    Heya Musicnotes! I'm fairly new to forum rping as I mostly rp on Discord, but I'd like to get into the hobby. Is your superhero/supervillian rp still accepting? If so, where can I see the rules and currently lore and such?

    Sorry for the newb questions : P
    Hello Musicnotes! My friend and I were interested in joining your superheroes and villains RP! The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth said you were the man to talk to about that!
    So I was walking my dog listening to music as i do everyday and my dog pulls on my earbuds. They fly out of my ears, one of the rubber covers goes flying and I lost it. The other was stuck in my ear. I had a mini panic attack and hurried home and my mom got it out. I'm gonna stick to wearing my head phones for now on
    Okay. I'm going to join the Superheroes and Villains thread soon. Well, at least until I make my OC. What's happening right now in the story?
    Hey, Musicnote? I've submitted my OC. Do you give me the okay to join or...?
    Heya. So, I noticed your Superheroes & Villains Roleplay and I'm intrigued to join in.
    Sorry for the wait. If you would like to join,post a character sheet in the character section. Link on the first page
    I would, but I am still new here and I currently only specialize in script writing. Give me a little time to get used to everyone's form of roleplay writing and I'll join.
    hmm thinking about doing a sort of fairy tail kind of rp. not really set in the fairy tail world but sort of the same premise. people going on quests and the main spot being a guild/tavern kind of place
    so monday i had to work a double to cover for my manager, i come into work today and find that she left me a gift
    That was really sweet of her, at least you don't have a bad manager ^~^
    So me and my twin bro ended up wearing red and black sweatpants. We did not plan this. Then my little sister decides to copy us and then I put a red bandana on my dog and since she has black fur we all are matching
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