HK Fifty

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  • Hi buddy, you probably barely remember me, but I thought I should give you your occasional hello~
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    You’re that person that asked if HK-50 was an assassin Droid right? Anyway , hello there! Thank you for saying hi again , regardless of whether or not I’m remembering you right.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    Bang on!
    Isn’t the HK 50 an assassin droid?
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    Honestly I just typed your name into google xP Sorry. Although I do know at least a bit about Star wars. Have you seen the newest one? And if so, what did you think of it?
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    I saw it opening night , actually. I seem to be in the extreme majority of pre-Disney EU fans who really enjoyed it. Not that there weren’t issues , but they weren’t quite as glaring as others have thought. Plus , it was actually original , unlike TFA before it.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    I saw it too. Some of the effects were really good, but I just can’t bring myself to like Rey xP I just don’t really like her character. Finn and Rose were literally useless in it when I looked back on it, and if anything, they caused the death of a whole lot of people xD
    Hey how goes the Jedi training? Have you advanced yet or are you still doing Form I velocities?
    Might I recommend Form VI then: Niman. The preferred form of choice among Jedi Consulars. Not as aggressive or lethal as the others (and as a result not as demanding), but it won't leave you completely defenseless either. Can you do a force push?
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Ah , yes! I hadn’t as of yet thought of training with that form. It seems the best suited to my purposes , I agree. I can.. execute a force push , though the telekinesis aspect of the Force is far from the aspect I’m most adept with.
    There ya go! I'm exited to see what the future has in store for you :)
    what's up, mate?
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    For reference , it usually took an hour to build one AT-RT in the previous state. And yeah , since my RPs have been dead I’ve been getting more life-work done , and lurking on few other websites (mostly obscure subreddits).
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    I’ve been watching youtube and finding new music
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Yeah , I’ve been listening to a lot of music too , lately. Usually while I organize things.
    Here's to the fools who dream , crazy as they may seem. Here's to the hearts that break , here's to the mess we make.
    Hall Kervean
    Hall Kervean
    -Ms. Frizzle
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    I was actually quoting the 'Fools Who Dream' song from La La Land , but sure , Magic School Bus is awesome too.
    If I ever start to think straight this heart will start a riot in me , let's start , start , hey!
    Bingeing on Skylar today I see? :3
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Sort of. I've so far gotten through most of the first page.

    I'm going to admit , it kind of feels like you based her on me. She has at least two of my hobbies , and she acts similar to how I do to boot. Kind of odd how that turns out eh?
    Especially since she pre-dates us talking by at least three weeks! :3
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Exactly! Very odd.

    At least she isn't highly into Star Wars lore. Then it'd be kind of creepy how similar we were , heh.
    Thinking of old characters can be both highly nostalgic and highly depressing at once. It's rather odd.
    My eldest designs contain no substance to mourn; Both the times during which they had been made as well the executions of those ideas were worth forgetting. At most I may feel a pity for my younger, niave self.
    I apparently lack any sense of brevity whatsoever.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Are you saying I have yet to discover my true self , then?
    I'm saying no one would ever accuse you of masking ignorance behind a text wall.

    As to the other thing, only you can say that!
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    So you're saying that I am obviously intelligent then. That's good!

    Hmm.. I feel I have , but things do continually change. Perhaps I've yet to refine my true self.
    I always love subtly slipping Atris or Darth Malak quotes in conversations and seeing if anyone actually gets the reference.
    Good cannot be good without bad and vice versa. I like the quote in your cover :) I don't know who she is though...
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    That's okay , that's where most people are with it. I don't at all expect anyone to be the crazy Star Wars devotee that I am. But yes , you should play it. I suggest that if you play it on PC , you get the Restored Content Mod to go along with it. It fills some of the holes the rushed development schedule left in it's wake.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    Alright, thanks :3
    If the Lego sets are anything to go by , TLJ completely ruined THE AT-ST and AT-AT designs. The FO AT-ST is physically painful to look at.
    Because apparently being the starkly honest , Altruistic one means you can't stop killing all the fun.
    Ending my RP felt so much less evil in my head than it did in real life.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    To clarify , I wasn't the GM in this rp.
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