chesirekitten Jan 25, 2018 When you have an obsession with the Heathers soundtrack but none of your friends even like it. :/
chesirekitten Jan 2, 2018 Yes, being pan-romantic means I am infact attracted to a kitchen appliance.
chesirekitten Dec 31, 2017 I would like to find the person who thought making high school musical was a good idea and take their eyes out with a mellon baller.
I would like to find the person who thought making high school musical was a good idea and take their eyes out with a mellon baller.
chesirekitten Aug 15, 2017 I'd like to destroy this account and any memory anyone has of it now please.
Daisie Jun 13, 2017 Hullo! Haven't seen you around in forever so I thought I might drop by, say hi, have give you a pie. *hands you a pie and runs off*
Hullo! Haven't seen you around in forever so I thought I might drop by, say hi, have give you a pie. *hands you a pie and runs off*
chesirekitten Jun 8, 2017 Maybe if I hide under enough blankets, the responsibilities won't find me.....
chesirekitten Apr 11, 2017 Some people just can't be trusted- no matter how much you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, you just can't give your trust to them
Some people just can't be trusted- no matter how much you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, you just can't give your trust to them
chesirekitten Mar 13, 2017 I'm unbelievably glad to be on break- now I can go back to wasting my life on various different forums ^^
I'm unbelievably glad to be on break- now I can go back to wasting my life on various different forums ^^
chesirekitten Mar 5, 2017 I know I should be being productive, but all I've done is sit around and eat potato chips.....And that's kind of all I want to do xD
I know I should be being productive, but all I've done is sit around and eat potato chips.....And that's kind of all I want to do xD
chesirekitten Mar 4, 2017 When you binge watch a show for a full day, your family comes home and the only thing you can say to them is 'I'm out of instant noodles'
When you binge watch a show for a full day, your family comes home and the only thing you can say to them is 'I'm out of instant noodles'
I reccomend it a lot.