Read Chapter 1: WHAT! A New Commoner? from the story Light in the Darkness by Allias_Words with 24 reads. ocbook, selfworth, friendship. The wind slightly blew...
Hi there,
I saw you showed interest in my interest check a while days ago.
I have been tagging you just in case you have been busy.
But If that is a bother please let me know so I can remove you from my roster list.
Thank you anyway though for your consideration.
Okay so I might be starting a youtube channel and I'm trying to come up with a name. I like the name MidnightStar but I'm not sure if others would like it. I also like Alla to. So I was going to do MidnightStar, ItsMidnight, HeyItsAlla, or something around those lines. I also like the word Gravity for some reason. Dont know why. If you guys can give me an opinion on the names that would be awesome. Please be honest because I want a good channel name before starting.
SO, I was watching Hunter x Hunter dubbed but that meant I had to wait a week to watch the next episode. I decided to change to subbed and glad I did. Now I can binge watch HxH!
If you want this to come back to life, just make another thread and put it in for support. The admin will help you set it back up! Don't forget to tag us all in. I miss ya bud!