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  • I don't know where this all came from, that past being a dumb kid.
    years later I'm just me.
    I never changed.
    My time on RPN was long ago, it feels, yet.
    i look at my younger self and know
    that i have accomplished things beyond her recognition
    Girou my love <3 I've lost track of my off-site contact info for you, so let's reconnect next time you log in to RPN!
    Hey! I have a Discord currently "ViVi#6617"!
    So I don't really use this site anyway but like, hey. That's life. It's a nice place to write things that I have no other place for at the momment publiccly.
    Came out to my mom/dad and Facebook relatives today. Going well but I had to call public safety at my school to come give me a hug to calm down after realizing what I'd just done.
    Hi ^33^ I already put a like on this, but I just wanted to tell you I'm proud of you. It's not an easy thing to do. And I'm so glad you have hugs on call, that's really cool.
    I came out to pretty much everyone I know but my parents yesterday.
    I'm really happy but also nauseous. It went so well I can't really believe I'm not dreaming RN.
    Electric Forest is in a week and I've never been more excited for anything in my entire life
    I have a couple pals going to that! Stay safe and have fun!
    Daily reminder I used to follow the most people on this site
    I should have gotten an award TBH
    Hey guys I wanna do another Fate RP so I can bring back DON QT
    Someone assist.
    The One Eyed Bandit
    The One Eyed Bandit
    So it says you're a lizard knight overlord... does that mean that you are the overlord of lizard knights, or a lizard knight that is an overlord?
    Well you see
    Lizard Knight is a class
    Overlord is a lifestyle
    I've given up on real life social interaction after realizing I'm a buffoon, so guess who's back on RpN? Meeeeee.
    *Staring At Orphsurdum*

    Come on...People look at it...Come on...

    *Chanting mantra*
    Sir Fungus
    Sir Fungus
    *dead from gazing at it for too long.*
    There. Orphsurdum/Titan Hunter roleplay MADE. Now Bandit-Kun can stop pestering me about it.

    (Also people please join it!)
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