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  • Man, just went look back through some of my old posts and what a trip through memory lane. Can't believe I involved myself that much with other people in the same roleplays to be honest. I'm glad I've changed, though, because now rps I'm in are 95% roleplay and 5% hypothetical instead of the other way around, and I don't lose interest after five posts.
    I have found the perfect hybrid. Show me your ways o lord *bows down*
    There's a reason memes are not sentient. No social creature can withstand being constantly laughed at and stay sane.
    Mr. Sparks
    Mr. Sparks
    I don’t even know what that means but I will smile and nod as if I do.
    I've only had a healthy schedule for like 3 days and tbh real human hours suck
    Those people who rise and fall with the sun because apparently a big ball of gas gets to control when we sleep
    Hmmmm... I don't Believe you. That makes no sense.
    I know it doesn't, but just trust me I think I know what I'm talking about
    Lol y'all gotta stop letting me in your roleplays because lately whenever I'm in one I usually leave due to overwhelming (sometimes nonexistent) pressure and that ends up killing it
    Aw... So you're giving up rping...?
    Probably lol, but why are you sad? The most you've done with me is stalk my profile posts. I don't even think we like the same things for Fandom roleplays lmao.
    Because! I care for people. Strangers, friends, family, I care about everyone.
    Somebody just liked a post of mine on a roleplay that died a year and a half ago. How do you even find stuff that old?
    To any mod that had to see all the status stuff I deleted from 2016, I'd like to apologize and beg for you to not smite me my guy.
    That's one way to get our attention, ;3
    After a while searching for another site to fill the void leaving this one had created, I realized this is the only rp site for me.
    A lot of my old ideas were pretty bad.
    Remember when everybody knew how to use the site? Me neither.

    How do I deactivate this account, or at least stop the emails?
    I'm sorry to hear that you no longer want to use the site! If you do want to learn about the update, I'd  humbly recommend the site update survival guide .

    Forums can't actually delete or deactivate accounts - if you're completely sure you don't want it, you can always change the email to something random, then go change your password to something you don't intend to remember. After logging out and clearing your browser's cache/cookies, you'll not have the ability to get into your account.
    Yes, but will it stop the emails? I already changed the email address to something random, but I'm still getting them.
    You shouldn't be. 

    Look at your email on the left side of your profile page - is it still your old one? (Don't worry, only staff and you can see this.) I'd suggest trying to change it again. If that doesn't work, put in a support request .
    I have no idea how to comment on a roleplay or why the update happened. Please explain.
    To comment on a roleplay, you have to join it first! There should be a button on its homepage.

    The update happened because it had to. Software was getting outdated, add-ons stopped being supported. Sorry for any inconvenience. :)

    Here's the site update survival guide. It should help you get started on your journey! (Imeanwhat.)

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask~
    I stayed up all night. This will be a natural occurrence now that Monster Hunter Generations is out.
    tfw you're playing prowler and both Big Boomerang and Piercing Boomerang are activated at the same time.
    That moment when roleplaying feels like competitive Pokemon, you have to check your options and see what others did.
    Don't you just hate siblings?
    Yeah. Especially the ones who go away to college. And when they finally visit. They lock themselves in their room.
    When you're winning an argument against a relative like your mom or grandpa and their significant other steps in and stops you from arguing.
    That moment when you're playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and everyone online IS ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE.
    Ay yo. You like multi-fandom RPs, yes?
    Check out Tears Rebirth.
    Not particularly, but the one I posted allows you to catch things from other fandoms in the Poke balls from Pokemon.
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