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  • Less than a month to go, time to break out the hat avi again.
    White Masquerade
    White Masquerade
    Why are you so plain and easily amused?
    Tis but a ruse that draws people in trying to see what lies beneath the surface, look at you still coming back to me looking for more.
    White Masquerade
    White Masquerade
    Lol. Whatever. Whatever!
    Eyo how's that Brexit treating you?
    White Masquerade
    White Masquerade
    They're not dumb like yours though..
    Is there a difference? They're both administrative areas that don't go setting up different laws for each of them unlike your silly states, seriously how does anyone keep track of whether the place they're in will or won't punish them for crossing the road where they damn well please?
    White Masquerade
    White Masquerade
    If your system were so ingenious, you would be the strongest country in the world but, unfortunately, that's not the case.
    Hey Netflix actually added some good stuff to it's UK library along with the random bollywood padding for once.
    I find it weird that witty and witter look so similar but mean nearly the exact opposite of each other.
    Witter is a word?
    Yup, wittering is something I hear used occasionally.
    witter. /ˈwɪtə/ 1. (intransitive) often foll by on. to chatter or babble pointlessly or at unnecessary length.
    Example: welian's entire existence
    Finally decided this weekend I couldn't wait until maybe autumn for MH:World PC and got it for Xbox and I'm having a blast. Anyone other hunters on Xbox?
    I'm curious about the superbowl but I live in the UK and always need to be up in the morning.
    Ah, don't worry, I'm sure the Internet will be sure to blast the results at you in the morning.
    Oh I don't give a damn about the results it seems to be more about the whole show.
    You what grinds my gears? When pseudo-scientific junk gets categorised as a documentary.
    Still having trouble processing that we're getting a movie where a Pikachu has the voice of Deadpool
    Flowiest D
    Flowiest D
    I respect that you love something and can point out why you think I’m wrong, but I’m still really only a fan of the first gen.
    And that red judo rock think and I think the blue one is called sawk? They cool.
    And I respect you respect my opinion, because I know people like you only like first gen, and I respect that, it’s just that I think you just didn’t grow with Pokemon like other people did, but that is still okay. And cool that you like Sawk, that duo was basically a new take on Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan in a way, since Gen 5 was supposed to be a reboot to the series.
    The red one is Throh and the blue is Sawk
    Anyone else ever think there needs to be some sort of vetting to check that tv shows are actually factual before being called documentaries?
    Ah managed to spin a ticket for alter, just a little more and I can get a bucket of chicken!
    Annnd another! SPIN ON!
    So apparently AC4 is free on PC until the 11th, ain't no excuse not to grab it people (unless your PC sucks)
    And that was Shadow of War, no money spent on microtransactions easy.
    Have I ever mentioned that chest infections suck?
    Yikes! Sending love your way, stranger <3
    Feel better soon! I had one of those a couple of years ago and I squeaked every time I breathed. It was miserable.
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