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  • Random as heck post but do y’all remember Sacred Star of Milos? Yeah I don’t. But I watched it a few days ago with my friend and we utterly hated it. It was so bad. But after watching that, I thought of something. You know how CoS had an edited version of the movie which had some quality of life changes, I feel like Sacred Star of Milos needs something like that, but to a greater extent. That’s when I remembered something else…do you remember those FMA PS2 games? There was three of them but only two were available in English. I have the idea of rewriting, and turning the Sacred Star of Milos into a game! My reasons are this 1. We can have more time to have the plot play out
    2. We can have some really cool fight scenes. Now I’m not good at 3D modeling (or game development as a whole, I’m learning Renp’y)but if anyone would consider doing something like this, please message me. Thanks
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