• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hey all, I'm vintage! I'm here an old Rper coming off a 6 year hiatus to discover that the internet internet internetted and all the corners of the online forum rp world I used to frequent have disappeared. (surprised-pikachu.gif) I'm mostly looking for resources as I dip my toes back in the water.
Hello there my name is Louie and I love rp! it’s been in my life for a long time and it helps me out a lot. I hope to get back into it after a little bit of time. I only talk to people who are 18+ :)
Hey, Hey! I'm Moon or Vanitas
I joined here to look for some people to roleplay supernatural with since I've been rebinging the show and remaking my original characters form for it. Hoping I'll find some people who would like to do one on one ocxcanon together
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello. I have a dog named tonks she is a caviler poodle mix and she is smart/stubborn. I also have a bearded dragon named Carlos he is fat and lazy. I’ve been kinda off and on with rping but my friends and I did a rp for 4 years straight which was fun. I like reading and baking.

My name is Nova and I've been role-playing for about 15 years now--- YEEEESH how time flies lol I've had experience from humble beginnings with *action* style of writing to now what I would consider literate/novella type RP. I enjoy everything from deliciously fulfilling long form to the rapid fire chaos of banter and everything in between.

My genres are typically fantasy (high and modern), romance, adventure, as well as lightly dabbling in darker themes from time to time as well. I'm generally quite open to most suggestions and if it's a solid plot that piques my interest? I'm down.

I decided to check out RPNation because I'm an avid writer with no place to call home. I found this on a cursory search and it sounded promising so here I am! It's been awhile since I've done forum RP like this so bear with me-- I promise it'll be worth it!
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello! My name is Faun! 🦌 They/She, 23! Just so silly!

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