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Realistic or Modern Lobelia Academy's Experiment (Accepting)


Junior Member

PROFILE: (Please post in character sign up tab)






Gifted or non-Gifted:

If Gifted, what power:

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/eeec6e07b27441e2de8f5a1a2aeeb746.jpg.04039ae111d84c5d74493f5dcc83a807.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/eeec6e07b27441e2de8f5a1a2aeeb746.jpg.04039ae111d84c5d74493f5dcc83a807.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ayame Hanajima

Age: 16, Class 1G

Appearance: ^^^

Personality: Stubborn, defiant, offputting but polite. Brilliant in every sense of the word.

Bio: Ayame is not happy about her situation. As if finding out she was some mutant freak wasn't bad enough, now she has to deal with being shipped off as some sort of social experiment! She preffered when mutants (as she calls them) were told to keep quiet. But once the media found out about them, she had to kiss that goodbye. The only good thing about this school is that with a boarding school, she'll be away from her overbearing parents for a while.

Gifted or non-Gifted: Gifted.

If Gifted, what power: The ability to manipulate fire.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/21c5fd272f6b9d7369ad16a79862bfac.jpg.5627d1c256b71ceae879aee40d968e49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/21c5fd272f6b9d7369ad16a79862bfac.jpg.5627d1c256b71ceae879aee40d968e49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Shiro Takamatsu

Age: 16

Appearance: ^^^

Personality: Easygoing, loud, knows he's handsome and uses it to his advantage. A bit of a flirt.

Bio: Shiro was going nowhere with his life until he found out he was "Gifted". Being shipped off to this boarding school was a dream come true! He already misses his friends terribly, but is hopeful he'll make some new ones, maybe finally meet some Gifted people like him. Either way, he's just down for the ride.

Gifted or non-Gifted: Gifted.

If Gifted, what power: Super strength




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Koneko "Kitty" Shinori


16, Class 1G




Quiet, Shy, Quirky, hyper-intelligent. While being rather shy she is a thrill seeker loving to do anything that gets her blood pumping even if its illegal.


Koneko or Kitty as she likes to be called was always super intelligent even from a young age, she learned to do everything faster than the average person. During her first few years of school she was always the top of all her class minus PE, however due to this as years went on she was often bullied. She discovered her powers at a bad time in her life her parents were on the verge of bankruptcy and she was being constantly bullied. Her powers we first found when she was attacked by a fellow student a female who for whatever reason tried to punch Kitty, the persons hand past right through her. Days later she began playing with her power until she heard her parents talking about their lack of money she decided to help. Using her ability she robbed the bank in her town simply by walking through the back wall right where the money was kept, after taking as much as she could carry she ran home and left it outside the door, before ringing the door bell and walking through the wall to get back inside. However what didn't go to plan is what happened next.

Her parents were confused and instead of taking the money they called the police and since the bank had CCTV camera's in the vault it saw Kitty's face. The police and arrested Kitty and her parents who both were confused, they were told what had happened and were shocked mostly to find out there daughter was a mut-gifted. Kitty expected to be thrown in jail however something strange happened instead a man in a suit came along and gave Kitty a choice either be sent to a juvenile offenders jail or go to Lobelia Academy and live her life as a student. The choice was obvious for her and she picked Lobelia Academy.

Gifted or non-Gifted:


If Gifted, what power:

Intangibility (The ability to phase through physical objects.)


Name: Jareth. Self-proclaimed "Goblin King".

Age: Appears to be 17. Claims to be much older.

Appearance: Shoulder-length golden blonde hair, heterochromia of the eyes, fair complexion.

Personality: Jareth has the immaturity of a young boy, the intelligence of an old man, and the pride of a male in his prime. He is arrogant, and often appears to mistreat his puppets, and yet despite that, they have never been found torn in any way. Almost as if he abuses them by day then takes the time to make sure they are patched up when he is alone at night.

Bio: (On a piece of paper that appears to be scribbled on with a crayon) "Da Goblin King proclames dat he was bourn a Fae and was takin awae by da privus Goblin King to rool ober da Goblins, as day cood knot prodoos an Aaarr!!!!"

Gifted or non-Gifted: Gifted.

If Gifted, what power: Puppet Magic, Gravity defiance, Immortality, Fae magic.


A letter from Jareth's Counselor:

Jareth (he refuses to give us his real last name) is what you might call a troubled individual (The name he originally gave us, "Robin Zakar", turned out to be a stolen ID that had been tampered with). He has delusions of the mind, including the belief that he is able to change into an owl, and that he is a king among his toy puppets. He gets very upset when anyone tries to tell him that they aren't real, to the point of even threatening violence, and yet despite these delusions, you must understand that he is extremely intelligent. All of his former counselors who haven't indulged in his game of make-belief have befallen certain unfortunate circumstances, with no link between them and the boy, and I worry I may be next by sending this to you. I don't understand why you're choosing to allow Jareth to come to this school, but please be kind to him! He hasn't had a mother or father figure to teach him to act properly in thirteen years, though he claim it has been "thirteen centuries".
Name: Hana Takahashi

Age: 14

Appearance: Hana is a tanned girl of average weight. Her most prominent feature is her eyebrows, as they are bushy and thick. She has wide brown eyes and light blonde hair. ( I'll post a picture later, having a bit of trouble finding one that's suitable. )


Hana is a sweet, sheltered girl. She tends to speak and act in an overly formal tone, even with her close friends. She can be seen with upperclassmen often. She's quite eager to please and prone to being manipulated due to that fact. This happens often, making others wonder if she's stupid or if something else is going on inside her head. She's quite loyal to her friends, and tends to be overdramatic in doing so. Having chatted with you for five minutes two years ago on the subway, she'll probably insist she'll take a bullet for you still. She doesn't seem to understand the unspoken social rules of school, making her not quite click with other students.


The Takahashis are a wealthy family with a long history in the oil business. Hana is the youngest in her family, and her older brother is expected to run the company when he's of age. Because of this, she hasn't spent much time with him or her family since he turned her current age, as he parents are busy preparing him to take over the business. Regardless of this fact she still has had a relatively happy childhood. She had an especially close relationship with her father.

She entered Lobelia academy when she was thirteen, but hasn't made as many friends as she would like.

Gifted or non-Gifted:



She enjoys cooking, though she's absolutely terrible at it.

Joshua 'Josh' Macintosh


Josh stands at 6'4 and weighs approximately 110 pounds. He has beautiful blue eyes and a large white smile.

Josh is a very friendly person, who is willing to welcome anybody into his arms. He likes to laugh and make all kinds of jokes. Seriousness isn't any fun for him, so he trys to avoid it as much as he can, in class, outside and even at home. Hes also very flirty and honest, picking out everyone to flirt with and tell them the opposite of what they wanna hear.

Josh lived at home until he was 10 years old, as thats when his powers kicked in. He ran away as he could always hear his mother and father talking about how he was never serious enough, that he was always making jokes and never taking anything in his life seriously. So at ten he ran away, he attended public school at troubled kids school. Then later he heard about this school and applied, being accepted he took all the money he saved for years and moved into a small house near the school for easier ability to walk home.


He reads minds, very thoroughly in fact.


Allison Jasper


Allie stands at 5'8 and weighs approximately 106 pounds. She has deep green/blue eyes that hold all of her sly emotions.

Allie is a liar through and through, she puts on a big cute show for everyone, acting like a nice person. When in all reality shes the reason your homework and pencils go missing. She likes to low key flirt with some people, but thats all part of the act.

Allie doesn't have much of a history that she can tell. Her history is a mist to her, as she was raised in an orphanage by a very nice old lady. Her parents obviously felt bad for her, because Allie was left with a lot of money that she always spends on herself, including a three bedroom flat with two bathrooms.

Non gifted, just super sly.
I'm posting this from my phone, so it might be a little messy. When I get to a computer I'll give it the 'ol razzle dazzle.

Name: Craig Owar

Age: 17


Craig is a light-skinned caucasian male of average height and weight with short slicked back black hair and green eyes. He has an athletic build of compressed, supple muscles. When not in school he wears a simple white shirt and brown cargo pants.


Craig is a rambunctious young man, who loves terrible jokes and has a strong sense of justice, which he gained by binge watching Power Rangers and other Super Sentai shows as a child.


Craig has had a pretty normal life for the most part, being the only child of an nuclear household in a middleclass neighbourhood, in fact, he didn't even know he had any abilities until about three years ago, when he turned fourteen. His first experience with his abilities was... Odd, to say the least.

During a small get together at a friend from schools house, Craig was shown pictures of a strange monster with wings and tentacles all over it, which freaked him out quite a bit. He couldn't get it out of his head and after a few minutes the image of the monster began to appear in the window, and before he noticed it there it broke through the glass and surprised his friends and him, which broke his concentration and made the monster warp and fade away. Though it didn't happen that day, it didn't take long for him, and everyone else, to realize it was him that "summoned" the creature, which ostracized him from most of his friends, and made the few who remained friends with him constantly wary when he was around.

When he was invited to attend the academy a few years later, he jumped at the chance to meet people who could relate to him, or at least not act weirded ouy whenever he was around, as no one else near him had powers, or at least, any who did were far better at hiding it than he was.

Gifted or non-Gifted: Gifted

If Gifted, what power:

Mental Projection: The ability to create things with his mind, and give them mass and color.

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Name: Leon Ando

Age: 16

Appearance: Leon has light brown eyes and is 5' 10". His clothes are usually simple and in plain colors, but this contrasts with his hair which is always some shade of blue or purple.

Personality: He's a bit stuck up, and overall won't approach others unless they approach him. He struggles in classes sometimes and will cheat if he needs to. Once he's attached to someone he is fiercely loyal. Leon is only really good at drawing, and is constantly doodling in a sketchbook or on his own arms and hands. He is also a frequent drug user, which gets him into trouble.

Bio: His father left when he was 8, and at 11 his new stepdad started getting caught up in some shady business. His stepdad would have him deal drugs at school or even threaten other students. He started drawing in his notebooks to get his aggression out. Eventually his mother had had enough and helped get Leon out of the situation by sending him to this school. He's also gay, much to the dismay of his mother who wants him to settle down with a nice girl. Although by age 14 he was already acting promiscuous, at age 16 Leon has still never been in any serious relationship.

Gifted or non-Gifted: Non-gifted

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