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College student x homeless kid and Cleric/Mage x Warrior looks good. I'm in Uni, and I'll be travelling soon, and I have quite a few rp's on my plate, but your pairings just looked so good, i had to post here---so I may not be able to post frequently now, but usually i try to do it once a day. if I don't reply for a few days, i'll usually let you know what's up, or you can poke me xD

If you're interested let me know/PM me.
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I'll be up to basically any of your none fandom related pairings, and Games of Thrones and Death note if it should be a fandom related pairing!
That sounds great to me. I'd like to try the Aquarium exhibit x human :3 that sounds cool!!!!

[QUOTE="Mirai Kuriyama]Hi :3
I dont double in GoT I just really want to try rping as Brienne of Tarth :3

My idea for Death Note is an AU kinda thing with the canons xD

If thats not of interest I would love to do any of these ^^:

Shapeshifter x Human

Android x Human

Aquarium Exhibit x Human

That would be lovely ! ^.^

E="Mirai Kuriyama, post: 4613477, member: 37048"]Yay!! Want to send me a pm and we can sort out some details? :3

@Mirai Kuriyama:

Ha, thanks! The font is called Patrick Hand SC.

Okie! Totes fine! Would you possibly be comfortable doing a Teen Wolf x Supernatural Crossover? I have a few Crossover plots.

I would love to roleplay,

Until Dawn

Assassin x Apprentice


Vampire x Human (If the plot is good!) :D
[QUOTE="Mirai Kuriyama]Hi xD
Oh no why didnt you like it?

Id happily do something from it, Im not too sure on any canons from it as in if I could rp them decently. Id give Captain Phasma a try though.

Or we can just use OCs? :3

Okie, I wont go in depth about why I didn't like it because if I start ranting I wont stop.

Want me to send you a PM?
Wow,I actually found another Irish person on here.:0

The only person I know is myself,until now. xD

I'd be able to rp Pokemon and Batman.A bit of Skyrim too.I have a few pairings in mind for Pokemon and Batman,nothing on Skyrim though. xD

Pm me if you're interested.:3
[QUOTE="Mirai Kuriyama]Yay! Id love to do this. I have a few ideas, one kinda modern, one scifi and one apocalyptic that all follow the same idea xD
Would you mind if I take the android role?

That's fine by me :) Send me a PM and tell me your ideas!
Hey. I'm interested in your listing, and I'm also a fan of crossover, which would also make KH an applicable setting, though I admit I know diddly about The Organization. I prefer to make OCs from those worlds, however. Message me if you like, and we'll talk ideas!

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