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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Nice!" Robby said as he knocks an ice soldier into a pack of other soldiers. "Be careful when y'all get here. It's getting colder by the minute."

Meanwhile, Tyson sees Pridius waiting on him.

"You showed up alone. I respect that." Pridius said.

"Of course, and I see you've done the same." Tyson replied.

"It wouldn't be an honorable duel if I didn't." Pridius answered.

The two stretch before charging at each other, engaging in a series of punches, blocks, and counterpunches.
"Yeah we just got here" hunter thought. She sent a fire arrow at some of the soldiers.
Kala looked concerned. "Jace are you alright?"

She landed the cloud in front of a large house with a sign that said Magic Museum.
He caught his breath. "I'm dying." He said. "Have been for a while." He said. "Don't tell Misty, I've always been back on borrowed time. The spell she used. She didn't know that it had a second part. She wouldn't. I tore that page out and burned it. To bring me back fully she would have needed a human sacrifice." He said.

Scout landed next to her
He caught his breath. "I'm dying." He said. "Have been for a while." He said. "Don't tell Misty, I've always been back on borrowed time. The spell she used. She didn't know that it had a second part. She wouldn't. I tore that page out and burned it. To bring me back fully she would have needed a human sacrifice." He said.

Scout landed next to her
"I wont tell her for now but she is bound to find out eventually but I'll make sure she doesnt try again. So I take it you are now just finishing business before you pass? " Kala said with a nod.

"Hmm looks like a nice house. The museum is closed today so we will have to pick the lock." Misty said
"I wont tell her for now but she is bound to find out eventually but I'll make sure she doesnt try again. So I take it you are now just finishing business before you pass? " Kala said with a nod.

"Hmm looks like a nice house. The museum is closed today so we will have to pick the lock." Misty said
He nodded. "As much as I can. Someone's going to have to take over." He said.

Scout looked at her. "Don't look at me. I don't know how to pick a lock."
He nodded. "As much as I can. Someone's going to have to take over." He said.

Scout looked at her. "Don't look at me. I don't know how to pick a lock."
"Any thoughts on who that might be. The world is full of powerful magic users?" Kala asked. "If you need help let me know"

"Really I figured there was a chance you might" misty shrugged. She reached into her backpack and pulled out a note book.
"Any thoughts on who that might be. The world is full of powerful magic users?" Kala asked. "If you need help let me know"

"Really I figured there was a chance you might" misty shrugged. She reached into her backpack and pulled out a note book.
"It will probably be Misty. When she's ready." He said.

"Nah thats spy's thing." He said
"It will probably be Misty. When she's ready." He said.

"Nah thats spy's thing." He said
"I'm sure she will do a good job, she has potential" she smiled. "Now do you need help finishing that circle."

"Ah I see" She flipped a few pages in her notebook. "Hmm this should do." She made a few signs with her hand before waving it and a guest of wind blew around them and into the door. They could hear the inner working of the lock move.

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