I really love your caption about this character, Estras! Is there a possbility that she is open for a role-play? I would love to bring my character into her world. PM me or whatever you'd like. I'm new to this website, but I am not new to role-play.
A young Paladin-in-training, Estras grew up in Ikari, hearing tales of the monsters within the Elrua Forest just nearby. Warned constantly not to wander into the forest ever since she was a child, she sees forestry in general as dark, dangerous areas that are a danger to even those prepared for it. During her childhood and her first three years as a teenager, Estras served faithfully as an acolyte in the Endran Church, helping her father with his tasks, and rarely assisting Ariador himself with things he couldn’t attend to in the moment. When she heard of the attack on Scarfala, she realized the world was growing more dangerous by the day, and resolved to protect those she loved by signing up for the church’s Paladin program and training under Ariador. Two years later, she shows much promise as a swordswoman, and is determined to protect her home from monsters should they decide to turn to Ikari next.