Neville Longbottom: The Boy Who Lived

Neville Longbottom: The Boy Who Lived

Based off of a role play I've been thinking of lately where Neville is the boy who lived and my OC (who's also afraid of snakes) would be his partner in crime. I can just imagine in 2nd year they go to fight the basilisk and my character realizes upon seeing it just exactly what a basilisk is... XD
Cool and the oc's reaction might be similar to mine (Getting paralized for a sec before screaming and crying and going to hide in a corner)
@djinnamon Thanks ^^ It's kind of funny with my character too because not only is he slytherin (I mean, his literal mascot is a snake) but he's also supposed to be more of a 'tough' character lol

@the lick I'm glad you liked it XD Neville's response obviously wasn't very in character, but I had fun with it
Well it's a reaction I say a lot like

"Huh what's this, it looks like a book"

Nope it'd a magazi- OF CORSE IT'S A BOOK YOU CLOD!
My characters tended todo that too but they are more bitchy and rude characters and gives off this aura of arrogance even when they aren't. They legit turn into cry babies/cling to the closest male
@djinnamon haha nice. This character in particular doesn't really try to be tough, but, I mean, he loves sports (and ends up being a beater on the quidditch team), he's decently buff (at least when older, my profile pic is an older drawing of him), and his hobbies include dragons. I thought about all of this and figured he needed something to balance him out a little bit XD The fear of snakes seemed like a good idea to me

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