
Naia (WIP)

In a world locked in time, a Holy War rages on between Good and Evil. The citizens of this land live in constant fear of demonic hellspawn claiming their loved ones, lands, and souls. The Army of Heaven has enlisted a global militia, calling upon warriors from all reaches of Naia to aid in the Reclaiming of the world. A myriad of factors have left the world full of demons, monsters, magical creatures, and mutated anomalies.

Many intelligent Races inhabit this land, and each have territories and cultures all their own. Humans are the most ancient of races, dating back to before the Days of Reckoning, and they inhabit a technological fortress in the southern deserts. Elves are the offspring of Humans and Angels in the times after Reckoning and lead the world's Government, The Asterian Magocracy. Giants are hardy and proficient warriors who live in the southern frozen continent of Valhen in one of three major tribes. Fairies are interesting creatures, coming in a myriad of shapes and sizes ranging from tiny sparkles of light known as pixies, to short winged humanoids, to thick-skinned goblins, to large 9 foot trolls, depending on how old they've become. Fairies are very mystical folk who only recently attained citizenship under Asterian Law. Otherkin are mutated animal hybrids who were considered subhuman until they gained independence in the Sgar Uprising. They vary in shape, size, demeanor and attributes, and have integrated rather successfully into Asterian society with their biological advantages, however many tribes exist outside of Asterian rule and are given territories and right to their own practice of Law.
The exposed Core of Naia houses the Infernal Armies of Hell, growing every day through Corruption of the World's citizens. The War has raged on for centuries, each civilization being used as Soul fodder against the other, leaving the planet in a standstill.
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