[Nivirres: The Frozen World] (Info) General Info

Wolf Rawrrr


Beyond the far reaches of the universe, looming at the very edge of the Abyss itself, lies the frozen world of Nivirres. Once forgotten, this forsaken planet has just reminded the galaxy of its existence. A mysterious pillar of unreal light surged forth from its surface with such intensity that it was seen from across immeasurable distances. It appeared to have struck against an invisible wall of space, exploding in a fallout of particles and forming an impossibly bright nebula which defied the very laws of the cosmos. The Brightest Star, as it came to be called, seemed to emanate sheer cold and a force field that pushed all nearby matter away from its center.

This phenomena immediately drew attention of the rest of the universe, including the Guild Alliance. Vessels were sent to investigate, but one by one the ships were destroyed by advanced weapon fire originating from Nivirres. It became clear that in order to discover the true nature of the Brightest Star, it was necessary to deal with the threat on the frozen planet.

So the Alliance organized a covert operation, sending a single ship with a crew of professionals to search Nivirres and eliminate any and all found opposition. On a mission of the utmost importance they sent only the best.

They sent you.



Nivirres: The Frozen World



^ soundtrack available above ^


/ General Information ////////////////////////////

Genre: Sci-Fi

The game takes place in the year 2873, featuring a futuristic vision of human civilization that has expanded throughout the universe, as well as encompassing other discovered species and technology.

Style: Freeform Points System

The roleplay is based on forum posting in a relatively freeform fashion, yet utilizes the FPS - Freeform Points System. Like in a computer RPG, the characters are defined with skills and assigned points which effect almost everything they do. However, the players themselves are not concerned with metagame thinking in their post. No dice is cast, and the Storyteller's mind serves as the computer processor. He takes into account all the numbers, plain logic, and random odds to produce the result of the players' freeform postings. In this system, all numbers are first and foremost mere references, assigned to skills, abilities, enemies and weapons - and they are dynamic.

Number of Players: 4-8

Due to the game story and idea, this is the desired number of players. Also, once the RPG starts new players will be able to join, but only for a while.

Storyteller: Renarion Arenimon

The one and only, the game master and absolute authority within the game.

You should join this RPG if you:

  • like Sci-Fi settings
  • enjoy action, adventure and discovering secrets
  • favor the idea of a freeform posting style
  • want to pursue a main quest and achieve an ending
  • aren't afraid of a challenge

/ Background Story //////////////////////////////

As the human race advanced in technology, so it did in exploration and knowledge of the universe itself. New planets were discovered and colonized, new alien species encountered. Through wars and truces the human expansion finally reached its peak - the founding of the Guild Alliance.

The Alliance was initially made up from humans and turians, with the asari joining soon afterwards. Each of the three races had its own Guild space, and the Joint Council ruled from a neutral-declared planet located in the heart of the Alliance. Though the universe outside Alliance space was filled with diverse sentient races, few have shown lasting interest for joining.

The Guild Alliance is currently the most powerful force in the known universe.

/ Alliance Races /////////////////////////////////





Human sizes and proportions make them generally strong and agile. They are the most versatile of Alliance races, and have an average life span of 120 years. They can be proficient in many skills, though they often specialize in a few.

Compared to the average asari, an average human is:


less agile

less intelligent

Compared to the average turian, an average human is:


equally agile

more intelligent

Racial Bonuses:











Asari are mono-gender, distinctly feminine in appearance. A typical asari has blue to purple complexion. They are generally agile and intelligent, and have an average life span of 800 years. Asari mostly specialize in skills that benefit their racial advantages.

Compared to the average human, an average asari is:


more agile

more intelligent

Compared to the average turian, an average asari is:


more agile

more intelligent

Racial Bonuses:









Turian features are avian, making them resemble birds or raptors. They have a natural metallic carapace which is somewhat resistant against radiation and damage. They are generally most adept at offense and have an average life span of 150 years. Turians specialize in skills based on their racial advantages, though this is not always the case.

Compared to the average human, an average turian is:


equally agile

less intelligent

Compared to the average asari, an average turian is:


less agile

less intelligent

Racial Bonuses:





/ Attributes and Skills /////////////////////////////

Your character is defined, among other things, by three attributes and eight skills




(affects everything that requires physical force - pushing and lifting objects, etc.)


(affects your speed and the ability to dodge and perform quick actions)


(affects everything that requires mental force - understanding, perception etc.)


Melee Weapons

(skill with weapons like knives, spears, blades etc.)

Ranged Light Weapons

(skill with weapons like pistols, assault rifles etc.)

Ranged Heavy Weapons

(skill with weapons like shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers etc.)

Light Armor

(effectiveness of light armor)

Heavy Armor

(effectiveness of heavy armor)


(skill at repairing weapons and tools, hacking terminals, operating tech etc.)


(skill at sneaking, remaining unseen, lock picking etc.)

First Aid

(skill at healing yourself and others)

/ Military Experience /////////////////////////////

Following are explanations for the third part of the character sheet, Military Experience.

Note: "L/H" means points in both Light and Heavy.





Melee Weapons,


Ranged L/H Weapons,


L/H Armor)



Melee Weapons,


Ranged L/H Weapons,


L/H Armor,






First Aid)

Special Ops



Melee Weapons,


Ranged L/H Weapons,


L Armor,






First Aid)

Weapon Specializations




Melee Weapons)




Light Weapons)




Heavy Weapons)




Melee Weapons,


L/H Weapons)

Armor Specializations




Light Armor)




Heavy Armor)

/ The Points System //////////////////////////////

You have


points to assign to your


(Strength, Agility, Intelligence), and


points to assign to your


(everything else). Once you've done that, add the bonus points given by your race and military experience. Your point assignation will be double-checked by the Storyteller before your sheet is approved.

/ Character Sheet ////////////////////////////////

The sheet is divided into three segments. Make sure to read the detailed "Attributes and Skills" and "Military Experience" sections, and don't be intimidated - you will rarely ever need to think about numbers in-game.

Basic Info


(the name of your character - first, last, both, whatever you want to call yourself)


(male or female - note that the asari race is exclusively female)


(has impact on your character's attributes and visual appearance - see Races subsection)


(a brief description of temper and personality traits)


(a short description or a picture)

Attributes and Skills







Melee Weapons:


Ranged Light Weapons:


Ranged Heavy Weapons:


Light Armor:


Heavy Armor:








First Aid:


Military Experience


(choose one - footman, elite, special ops)

Weapon Specialization:

(choose one - melee, light, heavy, balanced)

Armor Specialization:

(choose one - light, heavy)

/ Ground Rules //////////////////////////////////

1. The Storyteller is the absolute authority within the RPG and has the final say.

2. God-modding is forbidden. You must abide by your character's restrictions. Never forcefully role play other characters.

3. Players are limited to 1 character.

4. Keep your posts clear, understandable, and as much grammatically correct as possible. Use paragraphs and organize your text to improve readability.

5. Follow the general codex of behavior which applies on the Wayward Inn.

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