Halo: SPARTAN Odyssey


Three Thousand Club

March 3rd, 2553, a day to remember for all mankind, marks the official end of hostilities between humans and the alien race known as the Covenant. But is that bloody war truly over?

Not all are filled with hope regarding this matter, and the fact that lingering remnants of the Covenant are still roaming the universe causing mayhem and destruction on human colonized worlds makes many uneasy about this supposed end of hostilities.

One such individual is Doctor Feline Warner, a protégé of Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey who founded the SPARTAN II Program.

Dr. Warner took inspiration from Dr. Halsey's work and began designing her own version of the SPARTAN Program utilizing several of the most innovative and advanced scientific techniques and equipment to design the next generation of SPARTAN warriors for the UNSC. The program, along with a large portion of the Doctor's research, was officially terminated on December 4th, 2554 and the Doctor's license suspended pending review. Dr. Warner continued her research in private and used rather unscrupulous business tactics and deals to continue funding her research.

On May 25th, 2556, the first test of Dr. Warner's research was initiated in her laboratory on Earth. The test was a failure and resulted in the death of the test subject, but this failure showed her exactly where the flaws in her designs were. She continued working well into 2557 when, on February 17th, the second test was initiated. The test looked promising, but again she was frustrated by failure as her test subject perished during the final stages of the experiment. She continued her work into October of 2557 when at last her efforts were rewarded.

On October 5th, 2557, the first of her new SPARTANS was born. The subject reacted positively to the experience despite the numerous changes which were made to Dr. Halsey's original designs, and as a result the new SPARTAN was lighter, faster, and more powerful than any of the the SPARTAN II's Dr. Halsey had created. Her first test subject was the first in the SPARTAN VI Program, and the first of his kind to see battle not more than three weeks after his creation.

On October 26th, 2557, Dr. Warner's laboratory was infiltrated and attacked by an elite Spec Ops team sent in to capture her. Despite the fact that the SPARTAN VI could easily fend off the incoming teams, Dr. Warner had him stand down and was captured peacefully. When questioned by upper echelon UNCS personnel, she presented her SPARTAN VI as proof of the legitimacy and validity of her research and made an appeal to have her license reinstated and the program revived. Though skeptical at first, when the Doctor presented facts and data regarding several nearby colonial worlds which were falling to the remnants of the Covenant, the UNSC accepted her appeal and reinstated her license along with full funding for her program.

The program itself remained a secret from the public, and indeed much of the UNSC in general. The Doctor continued working for approximately another four years, successfully creating a total of thirty eight SPARTAN VI soldiers out of a total of one hundred and twelve volunteers. Due to the poor ratio of success and the extended time it took to fulfill the process, funding was cut nearly in half as of March 18th, 2561 which severely crippled her research efforts. By September 2nd, 2562, she had created five more SPARTAN VI soldiers, for a total of forty three.

Soon after, the Doctor's funding was cut completely, and the program scrapped once again. This time, for good. The Doctor's license was revoked in its entirety, and the Doctor herself kept under constant surveillance out of fear of her continuing her research underground or behind their backs. The Doctor accepted her fate, and lived the life of a civilian until November 19th, 2562 when she was found dead in her home as the result of a single gunshot wound to the head. After an extensive investigation, the verdict was that the Doctor had been murdered, and along with her, the designs for the SPARTAN VI soldier formula as all data regarding the research had been purged when her license was revoked.

Not long after, in the following month of December, the UNSC found itself under attack from a combination of Covenant and rebel forces on several colonial worlds, and the resulting casualties demanded further action. All available SPARTAN soldiers, save the SPARTAN VI's, were sent in to control the situation, but the results were unfavorable. Over four dozen SPARTAN II’s, III’s, and IV’s were declared MIA by mid February 2563, and thus they were pulled out as quickly as possible to avoid further losses. The SPARTAN warriors were deployed to neighboring worlds close to where the attacks took place, but told to remain on standby pending further orders.

The SPARTAN VI soldiers appealed to be sent in, assuring that they could reclaim the worlds lost by the attacks. The appeal was denied, and so the SPARTAN VI soldiers all took command of several ships and stole away from the UNSC fleet with which they were attached. On April 12th, 2563, the SPARTN VI soldiers all arrived at the colonial world of Melorian and engaged hostile forces. The result was favorable, with only two SPARTAN VI soldiers being killed in action out of forty three despite being outrageously outnumbered by a ratio of nearly eighteen to one. The tactics and skill displayed by the SPARTAN VI soldiers convinced the UNSC to overlook their illegal departure and deployment and begin grouping the remaining forty one soldiers into squads to be sent in to other colonial worlds to reclaim them from hostile forces.

And thus our story begins… On July 28th, 2564

There are a total of eight colonial world which our characters will visit throughout this RP.

* Alpha.06 - A colonial world named in honor of, and as an homage to, the first SPARTAN VI soldier of the program

* Aegis Luminous - A colonial world of vast marshlands and forests which makes for difficult navigation and poor electronic support

* Caladbolg - Approximately ten light years to the east of planet Reach, this world a valuable defensive outpost for the UNSC

* Horous EN 3 - A colony of miners and scientific researchers which is an invaluable part of the UNSC's ability to provide continued income to their outlying colonies for trade and economic progress

* Luna Sol Theta - A world with both two suns and two moons, and though it is not of particular value beyond its natural beauty as a tourist attraction, it is never the less a part of the UNSC's colonial collection and an asset worth protecting.

* Nautilus - A world on the edge of the UNSC's territory, and a military installation colony with over eight fully established bases and training facilities. It's another invaluable world which the UNSC cannot afford to lose.

* Reach - Yes, we will be revisiting Reach before the RP is over. You all know the story of Reach and its significance to both the Halo franchise and the UNSC respectively.

* Zarius - A world about two light years from Reach where the SPARTAN VI soldiers were first trained in combat and provided with their specialized SPARTAN VI Armor variant.

Each world will have its own story arc which it will follow, and each world will offer a different host of both natural and unnatural challenges which our characters must overcome. Both the Covenant and rebel forces will make appearances, as well as the Flood. The Forerunner race in Halo 4 will not make an appearance though. Sorry.


As far as characters go, I have a few rules:

1) I have my two SPARTAN VI's, as well as more than one SPARTAN so there is no further need for SPARTAN characters. Thank you for your understanding.

2) We'll be sticking to the lore of the Halo franchise quite closely, but that doesn't mean that we can randomly pick up any weapon like you can in the games and automatically know how to use it with deadly proficiency. If you pick up an unfamiliar weapon, I expect you to struggle with it before you really get the hang of it which could take several hours IC. If you pick up an unfamiliar weapon and start using it as if you've known how to your whole life, you'll get one warning. If there is a second offense, you'll be booted from the RP. And saying your character "has been trained to operate Covenant weaponry" is not going to fly here, so remember that whatever kinds of weapons you pick up, even if they don't fire a bullet, will be unfamiliar and you'll have to be clumsy in its use. Even when you get the general idea of the weapon, that doesn't mean you should become a sniper with it, so don't even try to get away with that either.

3) This RP will cover primarily combat and exploration, but there will also be room for romance and other aspects of life if you so desire. However, keep the romance relatively reined in and fade to black or cut away if things get overly frisky. Signs of affection such as a female holding the hand or arm of her love interest is fine, as is a kiss or a hug. But if you want to climb into the sheets, then it's time to call it and fade to black. If you think a romance between your character and another would be a good avenue to explore, be sure to contact that individual and ask their permission to pursue such a course. If they say "no", then you'll have to live without it. If they say "yes," then you are free to pursue it however you wish so long as you remember the golden rule of fading to black.

Note!: All character profiles are subject to review by yours truly before they will be accepted into the RP. Nobody just gets in. You have to earn your place in this one.

Needed Character List Thus Far

This RP cannot support any further ODST's or SPARTANs. Thank you.

1) Civilian Characters Needed!

Picture:[/b] (can be either realistic or animated, though animated in 3D with semi-realism is preferred)

[b]Description:[/b] (anything different about your character from the presented image such as hair or eye coloration, body type, clothing style, etc,. Should be at least one full paragraph with no fewer than five sentences. If you have more than five sentences worth of material you can break it up into smaller relevant bits if you so choose. See Linde’s profile for an example.)

[b]Age:[/b] (Minimum age of 21 for all characters)
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] (The current date in the RP is July 28th, 2564 so base your DOB on that)
[b]Sex:[/b] (male or female)
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc)
[b]Height:[/b] (for non SPARTAN characters)

* [b]Height W/O Armor:[/b] (SPARTAN VI only)
* [b]Height W/ Armor:[/b] (SPARTAN VI only)

[b]Weight:[/b] (for non SPARTAN characters)

* [b]Weight W/O Armor:[/b] (SPARTAN VI only)
* [b]Weight W/ Armor:[/b] (SPARTAN VI only)

[b]Body Type:[/b] (athletic, overweight, etc,.)
[b]Complexion:[/b] (tan, pale, freckles or no, etc,.)
[b]Voice Type:[/b] (bass, baritone, tenor, alto, mezzo-soprano, soprano)
[b]Blood Type:[/b] (whatever you want their blood type to be)
[b]Distinguishable Markings:[/b] (tattoos, scars, piercings, etc,.)

* [b]AI Picture:[/b] (SPARTAN VI only)
* [b]AI Personality:[/b] (SPARTAN VI only)

* [b]Rank:[/b] (military personnel and SPARTAN VI only)

* [b]Title:[/b] (civilian only such as Doctor, Professor, Director, Spokesperson, etc, if applicable. If not applicable, skip it entirely)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Minimum one full paragraph with no fewer than 5 sentences)

[b]Strengths:[/b] (at least three)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (at least three)

[b]Equipment:[/b] (Full list in bullet point of all items and limitations thereof on the individuals person at any given time as well as situational equipment which changes with each mission if applicable)

[b]Biography:[/b] (Absolute minimum of four paragraphs with no fewer than 5 sentences each)
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