Original modern fantasy roleplay in need of a partner! (Minimal romance)

Trevor B Harper

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This is the idea I have in mind. Though don't forget that this is just an idea, and I can adapt to whatever. ;p

Year 2014, people were living a happy, ordinary life around the globe. Everything was as normal as it could get. Teens struggling through school, grown-ups working their asses off, old people fighting death, businessmen living a fake, but happy life. Everything was normal, until something was discovered. Until I discovered something. It was a town up state that most people never knew of or visited, since it seemed quite normal from the outside. A few houses here and there, a sheriff's department, a hospital, a preschool, highschool, even a small university for people who did not want to travel far. It had everything it needed โ€“ shops, a mall, fire station, everything that may come in need for the townspeople. But little did people know, it was not all like that from the inside. Once entered, no one can ever leave the town. In front of their eyes everything changed. Small houses became apartament buildings, simple shops became huge shopping centres, it became it's own country. It was like traveling into a whole different realm. But not everyone gets to experience this. Some people just enter and exit the town as if normal people, meeting only those who got to live without knowing what hides inside their town. Some people never find out, even when they're living there their whole lives.

The town is not only that of changing shape and size, it is also full of foul creatures and magic. It is full of those who want to harm others, and those who want to protect them. Every tenth person inside the new realm has magic abilities, that vary with their personality and imagination. People fight with it, use it for practical matters, and even sell it sometimes, but life here was not normal. Not anymore.

The roleplay has a progression system. Upon creating a character, you can pick up to two magical abilities your character can use. You might consider them as skills in any MMORPG game, but not necessarily. It is what defines your character's magical abilities. And you gain one more ability every time you kill another person with magic abilities. You don't get their abilities, you get to create one of your own to add.

Let's say I'm creating a character. I'd be an ice mage, for example. And I create these two starting abilities for myself:

Ice Spear โ€“ Conjures a spear made out of icicles that shoots in a straight line to pierce anything in it's path if it's penetratable by the steel hard ice.

Cold Bite โ€“ Can freeze parts of his body for either protection or battle.

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