Skyscrapers!-The super hero RP


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The sounds of sirens filled the streets of Silva city as emergency response vehicles where on the scene of what looked like a terrorist attack on the Foul-con Company. The emergency responders rushed into the building trying to save anyone still inside, unknowing what lays at the top of the building.

" won't get away this time!" An armored man said on top of the burning building. His sword was pointed at another person who was standing at the edge of the building.

"Why is that?" The person said in a echoed but modified voice, clearly D had a voice disguiser on.

"You know why! All this destruction isn't need! The police where close to finding something to charge them with!" The Armored man yelled as he moved forward a bit.

"They would have been out of the court system with in a 2 weeks scoot free of any charges they would have been charged with..." D stepped on top of the lip that was at the edge of the building....waiting for something or planing to jump.

"D if you want to fight crime the join the League! I'm remaking it Silva city needs more heroes now then ever!" He lowered his sword and took another step closer. As he did a helicopter came darting up be hide D with it's light shining on the two.

D then threw something on of the landing feet on the helicopter. "Maybe next time you'll get me Paladin, but until then you might want to help those in this building." The helicopter then took off with D hang blew low it. The Paladin then ran to the edge where D was standing watching as the helicopter flew away.

"Damn it!" he yelled as smashing his fist into the edge the building. He then turned around to help out get the people out of the building.

Street level


"This is Kathy Cesler with the channel 6 News. We are standing in front of the Foul-con company building as Emergency responders rush in to try a put out the fires and save the lives of those trapped in side. We are not yet sure as to what may have caused the explosion but I'm sure many of people out there already know who. That's right many of you are think it was the vigilante D!"

((OOC: Ok this night is going to be short so please don't get to involved with posting and what not. You can use this time to establish how your characters feel about D's method of doing things. Only a few people know about the League which is: Me and Michi's hero do to being grandchildren of members of the original League. You all may get an invite soon!))
A few streets over, Alya hunched over her algebra textbook, pretty face crumpled with a fierce scowl as she ignored the explosion--a common enough occurrence in the dangerous streets of Silva--but the invasive news waves were distracting her and making a mess of the logarithms she was trying to work out. "Ugh!" she growled dropping her head onto her arms and covering her ears. "Shut up!"

Jumping to her feet and throwing her pencil on her desk, she grabbed her duffel bag and stalked towards the door. "Bonnie, Kemp, I'll be back later!" she called to her roommates before yanking the door shut behind her.
Glace Sheppard had heard the explosion from his uncle's apartement, not needing the police radio he had..... Liberated from his uncle's office two weeks ago.

He sighed. What could it be this time, as if he didn't know. It was probably that vigilante guy Uncle hates....

He slipped on his blue and white skin-tight jumpsuit, and pulled on his loose white parka. With that, he slid on the black ski-mask that was the only thing really protecting his identity.

He pulled up the parka's hood, and jumped out the open window of his room, 9 stories up. He froze the air into solid ice in front of him, and slid down it on his feet.

Thanks penguins of Antarctica, he thought while smiling, as he slid down the side of a building that was obscured from view by other buildings. He kept mking his ice-track, and shot out into the street, over the cars. The ice track dissapated back into water vapour when he got too far away from it, so nobody was getting hurt by falling ice.

He sped to scene of the explosion.
"GOD DAMMIT SHUT UP!!!" Brianna screamed at the top of her lungs, Starr was always annoying like this, never letting Brianna have any of her fun. "I'll delete you if I have to!!" Her anger was not showing signs of fading any time soon. The hologram of Starr just smirks "Really??" She knew Brianna wouldn't do that... she was needed. "Go ahead then, I have nothing to gain nor lose..." She waited for a few seconds "See, you need me, now be quiet and get some sleep... your headache will kill you at this rate" Brianna hated her AI, it was right though... but this wasn't just a headache, she had a fever too.

"I'm going out to get some more Tylenol" She left not giving Starr a chance to tell her to stay home. She cursed aloud and in her mind constantly while walking to the store ignoring the explosion... "Not my fkn problem" She continued knowing something would probably bite her in the ass soon enough.

Completely having forgotten his name, again, he goes around to search for clues at his home.

After a bit of searching without any luck he gives up, lays down on a couch, opens a can of beer and lights a ciggie...

" Damn you memory, damn you to the fiery pits of hellllll! "
He thought as he stared at the tv, which was playing a music video called " California Gurlz "
"-apped in side. We are not yet sure as to what may have caused the explosion but I'm sure many of people out there already know who. That's right many of you are think it was the vigilante D!"

The TV in the room, had settled onto this channel, at the end of a report on an explosion. The young woman sitting on the couch in the overly clean apartment, with legs cross and a guitar in her lap looked at it intently. "What do we have here then?" Jackie Johnson said out loud to the empty place before leaning forward and picking up the TV remote. Clicking the button for it to restart itself, she sat back into the couch, watching with disgust at what had happened. Tucking a strand of her dyed blue hair behind her ear and out of her face, she put the report on replay. Jackie continued to sit there, watching the flashing screen talk all while wondering if Sixx-killer might be able to lend a hand.
Sitting in an alleyway, watching the police officers and reporters mill about and worry about this problem, Grimm chuckled to himself, watching the after-effects of the explosion. He seemed to have rather good luck finding explosions... or rather, they seemed to follow him wherever he went...
From his place on the couch, Cameron watched the TV flash from image to image of the crime scene. His eyes hurt, probably because he had just woken up to be met with the blinding screen. Closing his eyes, he patted down the couch finding the remote in its confines. Switching the TV off, he sighed and closed his eyes again, he really needed to get back to sleep.

Usually explosions at this time of night didn’t rouse him, regardless of who started them. It was strange for Cameron to be woken up from something other then his nightmares. This D person really needed to get the shit kicked out of them for ruining his unusually peaceful rest.
Another day, another news report talking about something horribly depressing. Bonnie clicked the television off and set the remote on the end table and got up, stretching out with a small yawn. "Boom..." she spoke softly, smirking slightly at herself. It reminded her of her more desperate days, and despite what she had to do, and how broke she'd been, she'd always had fun.

So she was being a little lazy today, but she worked hard most of the time. Today she got to rest and relax, and she was doing just that. She hadn't even gotten dressed yet, still sporting a pair of silky shorts and a tanktop. Now she planned to have some mango orange juice, but not before Alya took off "Yeah," she replied, though her roommate was clearly out of earshot "have fun."

"Boom boom boom, I need my-y medicine~" She hummed the song all the way to the fridge, and while she poured her orange juice, until she started drinking it and had to stop. But that didn't stop her from playing the song in her head and shaking her hips around to it, and then singing along again once she set her glass down. She didn't have anything to do today, and she was a little bored, so she had to entertain herself, and this was how she'd chosen to do it right now. She put the orange juice away and continued to hum along to the song that was stuck in her head while slowly sipping at her orange juice and staring out the window.

And while she sat there, her mind started to drift back to the explosion that had just been on the news. Maybe she would go for a run, and she could run by the building that was in flames to see what was going on. Rubbernecking and whatnot.
One more patrol car, only much nicer came rushing up to the scene of the crime. It was a completely black Camaro [<-- clickable] with Silva City Police Department Insignia on the side of it and the standard police lights across the top and the front of the car. It skid to a stop both doors popped open with Sean and his detective partner leaping out. They rushed up to the tape, flashed some credentials.

"Damn Sean, this is serious shit. Seems to be getting worse." His partner Alex replied.

"Tell me about it." Sean waved over a fire fighter. "How many are still in the building?" The man stared at him. "We don't know but there definitely are some. We are trying out best to get them all out."

Sean replied with a "Good Work" and waved for him to continue. His partner looked at him and shook his head. He knew that look all to well.

"Ha Crazy bastard. Don't get yourself killed prick..." He smirked at the remark.

While everyone was racing about worrying about the fire, Sean returned the remark. "Sif..." and he ran into the burning building. He started shouting looking for anyone who was still in the building. Most the them must of been higher up. He climbed a few flights of stairs where he found a few people here and there. He escorted as many as he could. Time was ticking and he did his best.
::Leon was walking back home through the gritty grimy streets of Silva city. He didn't know why he had decided to move to the cursed city. It was so rampant with crime, and danger that any sane person would stay away. He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and could make out the shadows of several people following him, and quickly ducked into an ally::

Leon: "Crap! it's a dead end!"

::He turned around and saw three people with hoods drawn up over their faces. One of them popped a knife::

Leon: "If it's money you're after, I just ran out... try looking in the-"

::his sentence was cut short as two of the suspicious folk ran up, and slammed him to the ground. Leon's head cracked roughly on the pavement, and Leon felt a warm trickle of blood run down the back of his neck::

Leon: "Crap, not again..."
After giving it some thought and coming to terms with his lost identity he decided to give himself a new name. One fitting of his past and goals for the future. " Comrade. " A comrade in arms with other " heros " and a comrade to people in need.

He put on his costume, loaded up his guns and ammo and took the fire escape to the roof and leaped over the gap between his building and the one next to it. From there most buildings we're attached or not far from eachother so he used that to his advantage.

When leaping over a 2nd gap he heard some noise coming from the dead-end alley beneath him. He peared over the border and saw a young-looking man being ambushed by a group of thugs.

Not on his watch!
::Leon felt a sharp pain in his stomach. I quick glance down confirmed the worst. there was a knife protruding from his stomach::

Leon: "Geez guys, take it easy... don't make me hurt you"

::he threw a few rather pathetic punch at one of his attackers before one of the attackers pulled out a gun and shot him once in the head, and twice in the chest. A chunk of scalp with hair attached blew off the side of his face and bounced down the ally a few paces away. blood streamed down Leon's face, and stung his eyes. Leon blinked away the blood::

Leon : {I think I'll just play dead this time again...}
@Anyone that'd see Brianna wondering the streets

Brianna was walking by alley ways and past the latest news report burning building, she loved the view of people doing work for nothing or barely a pay because it made her feel better that she was getting a bigger pay for her stuff...

Her illegal actions were well underground and even those that knew her name still didn't have a face to put it to. She laughed in her head as she saw the pigs (cops) rushing in and out of the burning building. With a smirk she carried on giving no more thought of the building and it's inhabitants. Odd, I'm smiling today. Hm, whatever. Her thoughts betrayed her as she spoke both out loud as well as in her mind. Too much being around something that could pretty much read you she guessed and continued off through alleys to get to the store quicker.

She turned a corner and saw 3 men and a dead man on the group. They hadn't noticed her yet but something made her want to stay, she fought the urge barely winning and walking out of there hoping no one had seen her. The man was dead already, it's not like she could do anything useful now anyways. Buncha, f-n assholes, killing people for a quick $... I at least don't hurt people for money... well... directly at least. She sighed out loud, stopped for a second in fear that she just made a noise... a knife was no match for 3 men, at least 1 having a gun. She quickened her pace and slipped down another alley.
Sean continued to find people within the building. Though it was a slow process. Between fire scorching his bare skin, and the searing hot air damaging his lungs, even he needed to be somewhat careful. As he came to the third floor he could see a child laying on the floor. He raced into the room. He could have never noticed the child had the 4th floor not been inaccessible from the fires damage to the stairs.

As he entered the room, he knelt down and checked the child's pulse. It was faint but there. Though she was not breathing. Sean gave her basic CPR only once and the child started to breathe then cry. He comforted the child, but as he did so, the floor above him began to collapse. Sean ran for the door but it was too late and the fire engulfed most of the room. After realizing the fire was everywhere there was only one escape.

Sean ran as hard as he could and upon reaching the final point leaped, spun around and his back impacted with the glass. It shattered easily due to the damage of the building, but that still didn't help with the fact he now just plummeted 3 stories to the ground. He landed on top of a cop car, not his, but a cop car right next to his partner, who was leaning up against their car. Alex raced over with a few firefighters and took the child from Sean.

Sean looked over at Alex, just laying there as his broken bones took a few seconds to set and heal. "See, what did i tell you. Never bring your kids to work... Stupid people."

Alex just sat back and laughed as Sean got off the car and brushed the dirt and dust from his clothing. Most of which was slightly charred, cut, bloody or torn.

"After all this gets sorted, tomorrow is going to be a pain."

"Damn straight, but thats what we're here for, remember?" Alex replied.

"Of course."
As the fire spread through the building another, smaller, explosion went off in the building. Men and women where scream as debris fell from the floor above them. The Paladin came rushing in from the stares and throw his shield up protecting the people form the debris. "Get to the stares!" He yelled as the people ran. "Damn it D! This company my have been doing bad things but there are people here who are innocent!" The Paladin was rushing from floor to floor helping the firefighters and the people get out.


Street level

"It seems that there is someone in the building! Helping the firefighters and the helpless people who are still trapped inside! It seems this hero is really.....A Hero it's the Paladin!"


D landed on top of a building, that was a good distances away from the burning building. "Well that went easier then I thought would." D looked at helicopter polite. The diamond shaped visor on D's masked slid to the side reveling D's left eye. "Break..." D's eye began to glow. "Huh...? What....where am I" The Polite began to look around till he looked down and saw D, the moment he did D's visor closed shut. "It's D! He said shining his light on the vigilante." He then put on his radio and tried to contact his news crew which was still at the crime scene. "You guys need to get the police! I found D! I found D-" He cut as D wasn't there anymore. "What!? where did he go!?"

[D's point of view]

"Break..." Did had just broken the mental link between the two, allowing the pilot to regain consciousness. As soon as D heard the pilot yelling about how he's found D, D knew it was time to uses his second power even though it was risky.

Every thing around D seemed to be slowing down, or at least it did to D. D knew the time limit before it was to late. D jumped down to the ally below, and ended the power. D stumbled and started to cough up blood. Ripping off the masked as the blood came out and splattered on the ground. " hurry home...." D said after the last of the blood came up. Putting on the mask and again D started to run down the dead street and into another dark ally way.
Comrade leapt off the building and slammed onto one of the 3 killers with feet first, crushing the back/top of the thug's head.

He pulled out his twin guns and shot the other 2, before they got over their surprise, in cold blood.

"...Scum " He said at one of the corpses before spitting on him.

He looked over at the victim and saw he was probably a goner, with 2 bulletholes and a stabwound there was no way he would survive a trip to the hospital anyway.

So he started to walk away, pissed off.
::Leon gave a small "Cough" spurting blood from his mouth across his chest. He suddenly sat up, and wiped the blood off his chin::

Leon: "A little late, aren't you?"

::He gave his would-be rescuer a slightly annoyed look, which was pretty much indistinguishable from the amount of blood covering his face, and the chunk taken out of the side of his head. He felt around, and puck up the chuck of scalp he had lost earlier, and gingerly patted it back down into place as well as he could get it to fit::

Leon: "Ow~! That kinda hurt... who the heck are you?"
(OoC: Oka, I know you're dyslexic, but having someone reread your posts might be beneficial. You say 'polite' a couple of times with capitalization so I was confused and thought you might be referring to another hero before I realized you meant 'pilot')

Alya realized with dread that in order to get to her dance studio, she was going to have to pass the block where the exploded building was, all the commotion and all the fire. Skirting it by two blocks would take more time, but there was no way she could be so close to them and keep control of herself.

Gritting her teeth she fell quickly into a light job, humming softly to distract herself from extraneous noise and focusing on her breathing, blocking out the influx of information that wasn't hers. A second explosion, distracted her, small but loud enough in her proximity and when she stopped and looked the pain and terror, violent beta and gamma waves penetrating her skull like nothing and she cried out in shock, her knees folding under her and she hit the ruthless pavement.

Holding her head, her neat bun becoming mussed by the tight grip of her fingers in her dark hair, she tried to shut out the noise and the images, closing her eyes and creating a beat in her head, the thump of Mademoiselle Ramsey's cane on the hard wood floor, holding the dancers' heartbeats in thrall as the moved and leapt and turned to her direction.

A spike of agony, the white hot flash of someone's brain waves ceasing, more pain, more suffering, slowly the beat thrust it all out and she didn't know she was clicking her teeth to it and she staggered to her feet, clutching her duffel to her chest and stumbling forward to her destination.
As Glace made his way towards the burning building on his ice tracks, he got a little more height. He avoided looking down towards the crowd, made up of screaming people, bystanders, and cops. Cops, being the foremost thing on Glace's mind, his uncle being the Silva City Cheif of Police.

Dunno if Uncle Gordon's down there, Glace thought with a gulp. Don't want him recognizing me.

As he approached the building, he made a chunky ball of ice with his powers, and whipped it like a baseball at the closest window. He flew through quickly, before a bunch of heated air blasted out of the window.

Dammit, why is it always fire? Glace complained in his head as he made his way towards the screaming he could hear from a few levels up.

As he shot up the stairs, he thought he saw a dude with armor and a sword out on one of the floors..... Weird, he thought.

He quickly got to the source of the screaming, a group of at least 7 people, stuck in a room, blocked by a mass of flaming debris.

Spectacular, Glace thought sarcastically.

He froze the air above the fire, creating an ice-mass. He then changed the physical state of the ice into water, which dropped on the fire. The fire was immdiately put out.

"Alright! C'mon, let's get the hell outta here!" Glace screamed as he felt his powers take a drain on him. If it were anywhere else, he thought. Damn fire and heat!

As the people rushed their way out and followed Glace, he took them to a part of the building the explosion had blasted away. He created a giant ice-slide that led into a pool of water. The rescued people slid down to safety, and into the arms of their loved ones. Glace smiled, and also slid down, welcoming the refreshing feeling of cold ice, and the ice-cold pool at the bottom.

As he got out of the pool, surrounded on all sides by people screaming the name of his alter-ego, 'Just-Ice', Glace spotted his uncle.

And then Just-Ice peaced, Glace thought, panicking a bit.

"Remember everyone, be as best prepared as possible for something unexpeted like this!" Glace said in his best 'Hero-voice', as he took off in the direction opposite of his uncle.

Glace created more of his ice-tracks, and high-tailed it outta there.

Aww...... he thought. I'm leaving my screaming fans.....

He left the scene at a casual pace on his ice-tracks, deciding to do a patrol of the down-town area. From above.
Comrade turned around, guns drawn, at the sudden burst of coughing sound. To his disbelief, and horror, the corpse was acting like he was unharmed, alive. Chatting with him like nothing happend, trying to keep his cool Comrade stoïcly answered him.

" I don't have any sensors so you'll have to pardon me for not always arriving at the right time, and you seem to be quite " unharmed " anyway. "

" I'm Comrade, just your regular friendly vigilante. "

" So who...or what... are you ? "

He noticed that he subconsciously still aimed his guns at the talking corpse, even had his fingers on the triggers. Although few people would disagree that it was the normal thing to do when faced with this situation.
::Leon, who had just finished reattaching the piece of scalp to his head, and was watching the open wounds on his chest close up, yanked the knife out of his belly, spraying blood across the ally floor, and wiped the blood off with his tattered shirt::

Leon: "Nice knife... I think I'll keep this one..."

::He smiled at Comrade, his bloodstained teeth still wet with blood::

Leon: "Unharmed?! what a laugh! I get harmed quite easy thank you. But relax... I'm not dead... I was born into some type of human medical advancement program... but it was closed down about the time I was born, so I can't tell you much about it myself."

::his eyes drifted down to the guns Comrade was pointing at him::

Leon: "What are you going to do? shoot me? like hell that'll work..."
" It might not kill you but I can still harm you in other 'bout shooting your kneescaps to bits, or popping 2 rounds in both eyes ? But I don't plan on doing that as long as we all get along e. "

He smirked, getting acquainted with a zombielike person ... this is turning out to be a fun patrol.

" What's your name, if you have one? "
::Leon thought about acting rude again, but he quickly decided that it could help to have at least ONE friend who could wave a gun around instead of at him::

Leon: "I'm Leon..."

::he offered out his hand to shake with Comrade::

Leon: "Is Comrade really your name, or are you doing that fancy-pansy superhero codename thing...? assuming that's what you're trying to be..."
Comrade shook Leon's hand without fear, if this person had evil intentions in mind he was very good at hiding it.

" I'm Comrade, I don't really have another name since I forgot it along with " selective " parts of my memory so I just call myself by that name when meeting special people like yourself. On my normal job I'm known as Flynn though, also a ficticious name. "

" And I guess you could say I'm trying to be a hero, but not one of those moralfreaks on their high horse, just a dude trying to clean up his neighbourhood by force. "

" What's up with your ability by the way? A result of the experiments I assume? "

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